More Under Malta – ADVANCED PRE-FLOOD civilization FOUND Underground in Malta, Paul Cook

More Under Malta

Multiple-level underground complex, built with geopolymer, mudflooded/covered, forgotten.

CGPT — Malta has a rich archaeological history, with sites dating back to the Neolithic period. The Ġgantija temples, for example, are among the oldest freestanding structures in the world, dating back to around 3600 BCE. These temples, along with other megalithic structures found on the islands, attest to the advanced skills and organization of ancient Maltese societies.

Geopolymer Malta refers to a controversial theory proposed by some alternative historians and researchers suggesting that certain ancient megalithic structures found in Malta, such as the Ġgantija temples, were constructed using geopolymer technology rather than traditional stone-cutting methods.

Geopolymer technology involves creating a kind of “synthetic stone” by mixing natural materials with a binding agent to form a durable, stone-like substance. Proponents of the geopolymer theory argue that ancient civilizations had the knowledge and capability to produce and utilize geopolymers, which they believe could explain the construction of massive stone structures with precise fitting and intricate designs.

However, the mainstream archaeological consensus is skeptical of the geopolymer hypothesis for several reasons:

  1. Lack of Evidence: There is limited direct evidence to support the use of geopolymer technology in ancient construction. While experiments have shown that geopolymers can be used to create durable materials, there is little archaeological evidence demonstrating their widespread use in ancient structures.
  2. Alternative Explanations: Archaeologists typically attribute the construction of megalithic structures like those found in Malta to the skills and techniques of ancient stonemasons. These structures were built over many generations using traditional stone-cutting methods, and there is ample evidence of quarrying, shaping, and transport of stone blocks.
  3. Complexity of Construction: The precision and complexity of ancient megalithic structures suggest a high level of skill and organization among the builders. While geopolymer technology could potentially simplify some aspects of construction, it does not fully account for the challenges associated with creating and assembling massive stone blocks.
  4. Lack of Reproducibility: While some proponents of the geopolymer theory have conducted experiments to demonstrate its feasibility, there is debate over whether these methods accurately replicate the construction techniques used by ancient civilizations. Without conclusive evidence of ancient geopolymer production and use, the theory remains speculative.

In summary, while the geopolymer hypothesis presents an intriguing alternative perspective on ancient construction techniques, it has not gained widespread acceptance within the archaeological community. The prevailing view attributes the construction of megalithic structures in Malta and elsewhere to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of ancient civilizations using traditional stone-working methods.

More Under Malta

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