Melissa Doi was literally microwaved-to-death, listen to her 9-1-1 call

Doi’s dreadful recording to 9-1-1 emergency is still up on RUMBLE, allowing the morbidly curious to actually hear in real-time how a person, apparently, dies _during_ intense exposure to microwave (and/or perhaps particle beam) radiation — most chilling is her lament, “it’s very very very hot…so much smoke” and, “I can’t see air anymore” despite coughing exactly zero times during her 20-minute recording.  Microwave exposure causes ‘insta-cataracts’, literally opaque greying of the corneas; that explains her “smoke everywhere”, everything uniformly grey as the microwaves had blinded her vision. Everything, all weirdnesses including the high-heat but no fire, smoke everywhere but no coughing, and the slown asphyxiation and bewilderment, etc, are all perfectly explained most sensibly once the call is re-understood in the context of Doi having been blasted to death by microwave (and possibly particle beam) radiation.

DEW CLUES – Forensic Arborist Robert Brame – Tires in DEW Attacks – “it’s one or the other; there’s never a melted or partially-burned tire; they’re just missing with the steel belts left laying there.”

DEW CLUES – Forensic Arborist Robert Brame – Tires in DEW Attacks

Baltimore Key Bridge #39 – Silencing misleaders who shriek, ‘there’s no such thing as directed energy weapons’

no such thing as directed energy weapons

Baltimore Key Bridge #26 – Also another Attack on Food Production, Shipping and more

Also another Attack on Food Production

Baltimore Key Bridge #26 – Lt Col Tom Bearden on “Scalar” Directed Energy Weapons

Lt Col Tom Bearden

Baltimore Key Bridge #25 – Still missing 23 June 2024

Still missing

Baltimore Key Bridge #24 – Actually impossible Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence to Stop All Traffic. Too bad none bothered to tell the workcrew.

Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence

Baltimore Key Bridge #23 – Was Washington State White River Bridge a pre-test of the DEW attack on structural steel truss bridge? Identical damage.

Washington State White River Bridge a pre-test of the DEW attack on structural steel truss bridge

Baltimore Key Bridge #22 – Impossibly Warped and Wilted Structural Steel – What causes such crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional warping and distortions?

Impossibly warped and wilted structural steel exhibits hot-taffy-like, crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional distortions hallmark heating via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.

Baltimore Key Bridge #21 – DALI Previous Crash, Ownership.

DALI previous crash, ownership, details.

Baltimore Key Bridge #19 – Chesapeake 1000 crane sat adjacent to Bay Bridge within 24 hours after Key Bridge event – Pre-readiness indicates Foreknowledge

Chesapeake 1000 crane

Baltimore Key Bridge #18 – Key Bridge Conspiracy Theories — Controlled “alt” media pre-planting weak “conspiracy theories” as strawmen for owned mass media to decry

Key Bridge Conspiracy Theories — Weird pre-planting of “conspiracy theories” as strawmen by controlled “alt” media, to be easily disproved and dismissed by the in-cahoots mass media

Baltimore Key Bridge #17 – Oprah DEW and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix

Baltimore Oprah, DEW, and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix — Gematria is Kabbalistic encoding of words into numbers that describe a matrix of resonance in the morphic field. Think of it as a symphony of consciousness. Those who play a harmonious role in the presently focused item of consciousness perform better (and experience greater results) when they are in-sync, the more the better. It’s a kind of SEO tuning for life and reality. Get in-sync, play by the numbers, know your role and purpose, play your part, etc.

Baltimore Key Bridge #16 – Steel support cables radically unwound and splayed, just like the 911 elevator motors

Massive Cable Supports, Unraveled and Splayed-Out — Bundles of steel support cables radically unwound, by what force? Unwinding so radically massive steel-cable bundles that were ‘hangers’ for the roadway platform took massive energy.  From where did that energy come?

Baltimore Key Bridge #15 – Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup. Plausible reason to rush.

Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup

Baltimore Key Bridge #14 – Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull. Destroyed South Pillar.

Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull, Destroyed South Pillar. How?

Baltimore Key Bridge #12 – Censorship. Rumors. Confusion on-purpose. Hallmark of psyop.

Hallmark of psyop