The Next Big Gotcha
Another aspect Totally Unmentioned Online
The EFF (electronic frontier foundation) which has been giving away free SSL certifications (on short, 90-day leases, vs years-long or lifetime leases for considerably more costly commercial SSL certification services) will be surreptitiously used to reign-in and control waywawrd, outspoken websites sharing “offensive” or “dangerous” content by revoking and/or refusing renewal of the increasingly important SSL leases, thus “causing” google, bing, yahoo (which are “in on it” and/or totally controlled) to “necessarily” delist / derank the SSL-less websites, due to “privacy concerns” and “for safety”.
This still secret and hidden (suspected) plot will be used, it is surmised, to squelch and silence the multitude of smaller voices, less well-funded, unable to escape the carefully laid multi-faceted technology trap.
You’ll see; watch it happen within the next 10 years or so. Of course this is all based on theory and conjecture.
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