As Truth Goes Viral (if not the genuine seeking of it), Observe Who Censors by Omission – Realize that Your Sharing is the Vital Key, not some Big-Tech Big-Bro Machine

As Truth Goes Viral (if not the genuine seeking of it), Observe Who Censors by Omission

Realize that Your Sharing is the Vital Key, not some Big-Tech Big-Bro Machine

Omission is the primary means that Zionic Mass Media and Big Tech limit your scope of information, and therefore the realm of your mental terrain, and thereby your potential comprehension, and consequently your beliefs and actions.

Despite an ever-growing number of viewers and traffic and our attempted adherence to “best-practice” SEO techniques, search engines (even the vaunted Yandex) largely continue their ‘blind eye’ — meaning, They are blinding Your eyes when you rely upon them for unskewed leads to full-scope information.


As Truth Goes Viral (if not the genuine seeking of it), Observe Who Censors by Omission

Humans know truth because it ‘rings’, even if it is not entirely accurate, because the spirit of intention to raise awareness resonates immutably.

Without full-scope and accurate information, your view is inescapably limited, tainted.

The Internet and open sharing is the one way They lose control of the mental imagery inside your mind.

The One Correct Theory describing any situation cohesively explains all evidence and facts, now known and all future.  Controllers, deceivers, mass-media and other liars seek to prematurely leap the WHAT to focus instead on the WHY and WHO (remember, ‘those 19 guys and a caveman hate our freedoms’?).  A large part of their trick is in vagueness, shallowness, or even outright omission of WHAT actually happened; therefore, genuine investigation must painstakingly and fully ascertain precisely WHAT happened: Without fully understanding all of the WHAT, the inescapably consequent failing logic permits false conclusion.

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