Arrogance and Ignorance of LEOs Illegal Dangerous Unbearable – Armed Fisherman

Arrogance and Ignorance of LEOs Illegal Dangerous Unbearable – Armed Fisherman

In Florida, it is entirely legal to open-carry any firearms, long guns or hand guns, whilst engaging in fishing or traveling to or from fishing. It is shocking how many Law Enforcement Officers are completely unaware of this fact; far more shocking are their egregiously illegal and dangerous bumblings.

This video offers 100% proof that LEOs act wrong, do wrong, intend wrong, and ‘go fishing’ by suggesting and inventing reasons, charges, falsehoods.

The arrogance of law enforcement is disgusting

Handcuffed, illegally disarmed, illegally searched, accused of being high or drunk, treated like a criminal… “Sorry you were inconvenienced”.

“We’re law enforcement, but we don’t know the law “ 6 months to be a cop 2 years to be barber.

No cop has more rights than a citizen

As a resident of Port Saint Lucie it’s humiliating how unprofessional our idio cops are

It still pisses me off that there is anywhere in the United States where it is illegal to open carry for any reason. That’s treasonous.

This is the problem with the police department and the sheriffs department 90% of them going on a fishing expedition when they can’t find anything to arrest you for it so they go searching and searching it’s absolutely a disgrace

The blatantly false accusations of alcohol and marijuana is completely illegal. These officers are corrupt and have clearly done this before. It’s sad to think of how many innocent people they have likely orchestrated false charges for.

Unlawful detainment, search and seizure. Sue. Violation of 4th amendment.

Police Academies teach more on subverting your rights than teaching rights.

They really want to arrest this guy for exercising his rights. They cannot deal with citizens who know the law.

When a citizen violates the law, it is presumed to be willful, and they are labeled a criminal. Government agents should be held to no lower a standard and presumed to be traitors.

Dubarry Vs US; paraphrasing A firearm where legally carried, cannot be the only reason for a stop and detention.

Police logic is so ridiculous! “Do you see anybody else out here carrying a rifle?” What does that have to do with anything? If it’s legal to do, it’s legal to do! They act like this because there’s zero accountability. There’s always a justification for an infringement on our rights. They get paid good money but don’t have to know the law. And the supervisor comes in to try to clean things up, however he’s part of the problem. He’s ultimately responsible for their training, he should verify what his subordinates know before he sends them out on shift. Total failure

Why would they unload all his rounds if they determined he hadn’t committed a crime and he was lawfully carrying?

Violation of his first amendment rights by removing his camera. Violation of his second amendment rights by seizing his firearms and unloading the rounds. Violation of his fourth amendment rights by obtaining his information without a crime being committed (Sargent clearly said he’s within his rights to open carry while fishing, but it’s their right to get his information). Beyond those violations is the inability to de- escalate on behalf of the officers. Especially the male officer who persistently antagonized and tried to provoke this situation into something that would justify a detainment or arrest. As citizens, it is not our responsibility to teach police officers the laws in which they are trained to enforce. A simple Google search or a phone call to a supervisor by any of these officers could have prevented most of, if not all of this interaction and also provide knowledge of the laws to these officers.

The reason that they unloaded the weapons was to humiliate him. The supervisor knew that what his peons did was illegal but he couldn’t allow a citizen to prove an officer wrong and be in a dominant position. So, to remove an extra measure of dignity from the ciizen, he unloaded the weapons and put the ammo into the backpack, thus creating another search of the backpack.

Having to teach the police the law is the most ass backwards thing in america

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Arrogance and Ignorance of LEOs Illegal Dangerous Unbearable

Fact is, the Armed Fisherman’s mere presence, fully capable of self-defense, causes around him an expansive safety-bubble where no ‘mass shooting’ can take place, and muggings, hold-ups, robberies, and other wrongdoings are suppressed.

LEOs and their superiors should rejoice in having the local ‘crime stats’ bolstered by law-abiding citizens who legally seek and promote safety and security in their communities.

Every state, every county, every city, every village, every community, every street needs and deserves an Armed Fisherman or three. Everyone, everywhere, all the time would instantly be much safer, and crime would practically vanish immediately. Those facts are self-evident.

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