Ever Increasing Insanity

Ever Increasing Insanity

The most troubling part of this multi-layer insanity is the (passenger) child’s focus on his phone after just witnessing his “uncle” being shot to death and thrown from a speeding vehicle by a cop hanging onto the open driver’s door…the car fortunately careening to its own soft stop.


I live in Buffalo. The amount of locals crying racism over this is absolutely ridiculous. It was clearly a case of self defense.

The kid sees his uncle get shot, fall out of the car and all he asked for was his phone. Amazing generation.

Turning a misdeamanor driving without a license into a death sentence is crazy.

“World IQ Map” explains it all…

this is some of the most insane body cam footage I’ve ever seen. That cop has balls.

No license, child in the front seat, unregistered, loaded firearm underneath the other seat. Yet another neurosurgeon taken from us!

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“”Your incident has been updated.” is the precursor to “John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code.” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnQ11xj8LmM

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