Jan 6 Fabrication Evidence of Pre Planning is Overwhelming

Jan 6 Fabrication Evidence of Pre Planning is Overwhelming

“The simulated riot in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for pre-planning and setting up a situation for a disaster is overwhelming.”

Excellent, concise analysis of all available public footage of the supposed “Ashli Babbitt” shoahting. Most amusing is that the entire event was pre-scripted and presented on wikipedia as “Transition Integrity Project” run out of Georgetown (Jesuit) University: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transition_Integrity_Project

“They all acting. They all actors!”


Everything Wrong with the Capitol Shooting in 21 Minutes or Less


Don’t miss the excellent follow-up

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles ACT 2 (Director’s Cut Documentary)


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