Trump Shoahting INDEX

Trump Shoahting INDEX SUMMARY

Trump Shoahting INDEX

Let’s face the awful apparent likelihood that Trump is just another controlled-opposition actor, just another total tool (likely) of the Vatican being used to take-down America and usher in the long-sought New World Order. Did you see Trump’s reading (admission of being?) of “The Snake” poem? Beware: Ostensibly bound by karma, They reveal plainly, in plain sight.

“Shoah” is a Biblical word usually indicating “catastrophe”. In the late 1930s, the word was co-opted to describe the Holocaust. Spun off the pun, “there’s no business like shoah business’, it’s adapted here to indicate an (owned/controlled) mass-media-hyped “shooting”, either mass or political.

Just like with the many, many anomalies soaking the Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge takedown, the attempted Trump takedown is similarly inebriated with anomalies. Trump, acting with foreknowledge or not, is nonetheless just another puppet of the Controllers (suspected to be Vatican Jesuits in whole or part), amongst the cast in yet another theatrical performance playing too many like complete fools.

High Jesuit Mockery - Trump Shoahting Index

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

Like all mass-media fakeolas, nothing about this manufactured event adds-up sanely.

Assassination attempt via gunshot “before 7 Aug” as I predicted months ago; however, the entire event presents severe anomalies making it appear suspiciously staged in some, including ‘Gematrical Theatre’ galore as decoded by Zachary K Hubbard and his fans.

“how about an investigation of biden who said that ‘trump sholud have a bullseye on him’ last week”

“Joe didn’t withdrawal from the race and now you see why. But it didn’t pan out.”

“Biden called for this”


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Oldest at bottom. Newest up top.

Earily Unlikely Preposterously Perfect Mend Evidences Trump Actor Status as Total Tool of Controllers Perhaps Vatican

Dozens of Secret Service Agents Break and Entered to Go Number Two at Kamala Event

“The Actor Is Down”

Officer Bodycam Shows Officer Likely Sees Upsets Shooter

Crooks Blood Should Have Splattered and Cooked Brown on Hot Tin Roof

How MK Crooks Not Cooked By Scalding Hot White Tin Roof

Crooks Bullet Casings Magically Leapt From 5 To 8

Ostroff Outs Self (again) as Limited Hangout LOL

And this time, Everybody sees it! The many, many video commenters to his painfully demusing video speak for themselves! Take a watch and understand the Jesuit-hallmark deception by omission, perhaps innocent, perhaps intended: This epitomizes the definition of “limited hangout”…partial information presented to skew view, inconclusive “conclusions”, shallow and impactless ‘because I say so’ “debunkings” and laughable ‘dismissals’ of verifiably serious, widely evidenced anomalies. Clown-show. End of Ostroff?

Never Any Blood on Right Hand during entire incident … ?!

How exceedingly unlikely, particularly for such a painful wound, that Trump would have Never held his right hand onto his mangled, profusely bleeding ear. It is literally unbelievable. Is that because it was not really a painful wound but perhaps merely a fake-blood packet concealed and squirted from under his red hat? If Trump was actually shot and really did suffer a wound to his “ear of steel”, then this question is easily dismissed…one anomaly down out of a growing mountain…

RE: Trump’s ear bandage — I’m surprised it wasn’t round, red, and with a sniper-scope bullseye embroidered onto it with a big “T” in the middle. …another choice item for-sale, what with all that other ‘merch’. LOL Nexy Christmas big-seller: “T” (Trump) branded ear muffs, red, bullseye only on right hand side.

Regarding Trumps Possibly Fake Blood

Who Shot the Shooter

Shooter Comically Too Near Not Even Two Football Fields Away

Inconsolable Hysteria Absent

Why Trump Not Delayed After Numerous Eyewitnesses Screamed Shooter On Roof

Impossibly Unlikely Photo Purportedly Captured Bullet Mid Flight

First time in known human history of all photography and video. Sure, yeah, right LOL

All Secret Service Members Under Age 30 and All Too Short also Absurd Photo Ops

Look at that freaking right ear LOL

Another step closer to Kamalah

Trump Shoahting Anomalies as of Jul 2024 No Coincidunces

Original post; quickly became unmanageably too long.

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