Trump Shoahting Jeff Ostroff Seemingly Outs Himself As Limited Hangout

Trump Shoahting Ostroff Seemingly Outs Self As Limited Hangout

Ostroff, who also dubiously attempted to generally “debunk” unidentified “conspiracy theories” soaking the Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge DEW takedown also attempted to “debunk” the audibly inescapable fact (evidenced by numerous independent videos) that multiple shooters were involved in the attempted Trump takedown.

Very many critical comments (and “likes”) to his “debunking” video excoriate and suggest Ostroff as another “limited hangout”. Screen grabs showing those comments below. It’s encouraging to see so many truly awake and aware fellow citizens calling out spreaders of limited mis/disinfo and feigned dumbness.

One of the best critical comments captured below notes that Ostroff’s “debunking” analysis completely ignored the inescapable fact of time differences in audio recording prove shooters at substantially different distances from the microphone. Other excellent critical comments further suggest limited hangout.

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