Trump Shoahting Secret Service Comically Dangerously Awful Anti-Protocol 14 Second Pause for Photo Op

Trump Shoahting INDEX SUMMARY

Trump Shoahting Secret Service Comically Dangerously Awful Anti-Protocol 14 Second Pause for Photo Op

The lack of command evidenced in the podium microphone recording, sounded like a mealy “group go” decision rather than take-charge by team leader.

Every member under age 30, lack of experience.

Every member too short to shield Main Target.

Fumbling with the guns. Total cringe.

Pausing for photo-ops several times.

Anti-protocol, Dangerously long pause for Painfully Obviously Staged “photo-op”, direct look into camera LOL

Dangerously long pause (~14 seconds) as his escape was paused for a seeming “photo-op” while Trump raised his fist and said directly into camera: “Fight. Fight. Fight”. THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLY STAGED. Silly and cavalierly dangerous … unless it was all part of some preplanned show.

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