Trump Shooting Anomalies as of Jul 2024 No Coincidences

Trump Shoahting INDEX SUMMARY

Assassination attempt via gunshot “before 7 Aug” as I predicted months ago; however, the entire event presents severe anomalies making it appear suspiciously staged in some, including ‘Gematrical Theatre’ galore as decoded by Zachary K Hubbard and his fans.

“how about an investigation of biden who said that ‘trump sholud have a bullseye on him’ last week”

“Joe didn’t withdrawal from the race and now you see why. But it didn’t pan out.”

“Biden called for this”


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Table of Contents

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

Like all mass-media fakeolas, nothing about this manufactured event adds-up sanely.

“Trumpster. Fakester. False flag, manufactured “shoahting” 100% all total baloney.”

Youtube is again caught wildly shadow-banning — only this comment survived its intense filtering: “the ORGanization site named “SPIRA” preceeded by “CON” proves the Trumpshoa was manufactured by simply listing its many, many anomalies”

In every recording available, why do the shooter’s rounds and the snipers’ rounds sound exactly the same? The sound signature is that of a “suppressed” barrel and report. The recordings of each round-report also measure exactly the same on audio spectrum analysis. This indicates audio fakery or that the shooter and shipers had the same weapons, ammo, suppressors, etc.

Another step closer to Kamalah + Oprah or Kamalah + (Michelle) Obama Ticket

I told friends that I felt Trump or Biden ‘would be shot before 7 Aug’. Sometime soon, along that predictive line, Biden will topple over and not get up, perhaps for three days. Notice gematria 7 Aug is 78 – this recurs elsewhere, everywhere.

Interpretations of the Bible’s Revelation scripture identify the Anti-Christ has its right-eye dim or out and suffers an head wound which puts it down for three days followed by miraculous re-animation / recovery.

Will Trump and Biden both go down? …sweeping Kamalah into the void, perhaps accompanied by Oprah or Michelle (Michael?) Obama.

Maybe Trump will “discover” that Biden has actually been a traitor and authorize his elimination, then pardon himself.

Predictions, predictions. See the gematrical wonders of Zachary K Hubbard.

“Controlling the nearest rooftops is the basis of security in a situation like this, the secret service has shown blatant incompetence. Or it was intended to be.”

“If some spectators got hit, where?? If you look behind where Trump is standing, everyone is not panicking.” [[Also as we know from JFK Zapruder infamy, head-shots by high-powered rifles cause a cloud of fine blood-mist; one claimed nearby eyewitness (middle-aged white man, red hat; not seen in footage showing the calamity) is totally devoid of blood mist or even spatter. Another claimed eyewitness (young black man) has blood splotches on his white shirt but no fine mist or spray.]]

“Biden: “Look, there’s no place in America for this kind of violence.” Also Biden: “It’s time to put a bullseye on Trump.””

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Far too many “photo op” shots

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

ABOVE: Why is nearly every SS member on protection detail apparently under 30 years old, and 100% of the detail physically shorter than the much taller target?

BELOW: Look at that freaking right ear! Another coincidunce?

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

“Impossibly” unlikely photo purportedly captured bullet mid-flight

This seems staged. Fake event. Bullet photographed in mid-air?!? LOL — Thousands of videos on youtube, some with expensive high-speed cameras — hundreds of thousands of rounds fired — approximately ZERO have ever been so fortuitously, perfectly framed and captured! LOL photo fakery.

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

Eyewitness explains how he spent minutes alerting police, etc to shooter with rifle on nearby roof. Near Brenkle’s Farm. — 534 Evans City Rd. Butler, PA 16001 

Also impossible, first few shots from assassin sniper at Trump, supposedly. Within two seconds, mil sniper(s) supposedly return fire, purportedly killing the assassin. How did They know where the sniper was; how was the sniper located so quickly, had the sniper’s location not been pre-known?!? [[Subsequent videos and analyses are confirming the ‘too-short’ time period between initial shots and presumed killing response shot(s) from sniper(s). As this anomaly is so readily verifiable on all recordings of the ‘shootout’ by anyone having ears, attempts are appearing here and there to explain it away as though the sniper team had pre-zeroed in on the sniper and were ‘awaiting orders’ and/or for the shooter to ‘take the first shot’. One explanation is that the snipers had zeroed-in on the shooter for 47 seconds before firing! Alll these explanations of delayed response are all ludicrous, even moreso because the shooter was clearly allowed to get off at least three shots (one supposed shot being the supposed head-shot to the supposed fireman; second supposed shot supposedly photographed in mid-air behind Trump’s head; third short supposedly blasting through Trump’s ear) if not more! It’s comic-stupid upon comic-stupid, and even the most ardent Trumpsters must be reeling from the constant chaos and outright lies by the consistently-zero-critical-analysis / totally-controlled agenda-serving ‘kept-pet’ mass-media. Normal patriotic citizens are left counting bullets all over again, just like JFK / Zap; pretty soon will come the audio analyses (mirroring Grodin JFK infamy) ‘proving’ there were fired many more bullets, perhaps by “multiple shooters” (get ready for that plot-twist!), all fitting the familiarly-stale modus operandi of ‘throw as much self- and inter-contradictory crap into the fiasco’ to get all the dummies in-fighting’ instead of seeing the bigger dire picture.]]

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

~350 yards suggested sniper distance. [[This was my initial analysis of possible shooter-nests BEFORE the official explanation (and supporting video) placed the shooter much closer, absurdly closer, at just around 150 yards!]]

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy
ABOVE: Center-left of these bleachers is location of supposed head-shot fatal to the claimed fireman. It’s so sad not being able to trust one iota any word written or syllable uttered by any ‘mass media’ (all are owned and bent to serve agendae of owners). As-it-happened video showed a “cowing” woman (daughter?) sans any hysteria at all…more lamenting than brutally shocked by the (supposedly) fatal head-shot and expected consequently inconsolable shrieking. Sitting one- or two-persons closer to the (supposed) victim, she was also not covered in blood spray. (TODO – link to video of real-time aftermath)

Shooter’s nest was comically too-close, 150 yards is not even two football fields away!

How in Hell did Secret Service, FBI, etc allow the shooter on a rooftop, the nearest rooftop adjacent to and within direct sight of Trump’s podium ?!??

Nearby “buildings are the first and foremost to always be secured.” 4:00 into

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

No blood on shooter, unusual given the FBI snipers’ undoubtedly choicest, large rounds (7.62mm) shot through cost-no-limit highest-available velocity stainless-steel 20-inch “target barrel” trained with utmost accuracy via large optics, cost-no-limit best available — even the sniper tripod was costly carbon fiber!

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

BELOW: Red line (3x the distance of yellow) shows my initially analyzed trajectory. Yellow is official distance and trajectory. LOL – They could have almost thrown a stone and knocked out that shooter! At some point, “negligence” becomes criminal, and then at another point it becomes comically absurd. If his “secret service” is really that much of a “stupid service” — and, if he’s not actually another total puppet as suspected — Trump’s very next move, if self-preservation matters to him, must be to totally drain that swamp, flush all the “agents” and hand-pick some serious paid mercenary protection. Is this shocking debacle an intended in-road for privateering the Secret Service? Also, why was every visible SS guard (including snipers and all black-combat-uniform heavily-armed responders) apparently under age 30, and 100% of them all shorter than the presumed Main Target? Every look, every thought, every question compounds into silly antics, anomalies, absurdities. This recurring sour idiocy seems to hallmark Their psyops. All lies self-unravel under varying scrutiny.

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy
Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy
Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

BELOW: This wasn’t just line-of-sight of only 150 yards — the shooter’s nest was also downhill — the ‘good guy’ snipers were up on a hill and also on a three-story tall red barn, vs the shooter’s nest downhill on a one-story tall building. Notice, upper-right, the tall water-tower, commanding the entire location, yet absolutely un-manned by any “security”!

Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy
Trump Shooting Anomalies Conspiracy

No blood at first

When Trump brings his hand down right after clutching at his ear, there is no blood. Really? — on a hot day, with lots of blood at skin-surface for cooling…zero blood seems highly unlikely.

Anti-protocol, Dangerously long pause for Painfully Obviously Staged “photo-op”, direct look into camera LOL

Dangerously long pause (~14 seconds) as his escape was paused for a seeming “photo-op” while Trump raised his fist and said directly into camera: “Fight. Fight. Fight”. THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLY STAGED. Silly and cavalierly dangerous … unless it was all part of some preplanned show.

Gematrial Numerology

Zachary K Hubbard seems to be on his 25th youtube channel (“Gematria Effect News” and/or “Gematria Effect Sports”) spanning a decade or more, the others having apparently been squelched in ongoing suppression. The prolonged attention and ‘dirty pool’ tactics seem to evidence worth — if ZKH’s work was all spew-of-lunatic, why would They care?

PDF of early decode-page (content often changes) —

PDF of later / same-day decode-page —

FakeNews BBC idiocy mimics FakeNews CNN idiocy

BBC mimicking the same idiotically FakeNews “we’re prone on the ground” as CNN did during its FakeNews coverage earlier in the Ukrainian attack. TODO link to CNN idiot reporter faking another we-must-lay-down

Zero response at scene of shooter’s nest, body location, forensics

Weird how aftermath has people and apparatus clumped and strewn all about, but Zero persons or equipment near the “elevated position” from which the supposed shooter supposedly shot…

Where is the body? The recovery crane and equipment? Where is evidence control and scene security guards (or even crime tape), given that the rooftop and surrounds were site of (supposed) murder by high-powered weapon, however state-sactioned it may have been. Did every incoming shot hit the shooter? Was there any damage to the building?

Blood, or fake blood packet?

Is that real?

Shooter’s nest considerably lower on nearest rooftop, yet somehow unseen by standing snipers having what must surely be the very best-available optics and kill kit

So standing men, on a 3-story roof, on a hill, overlooking the supposed shooter’s location — How could they possibly have missed the shooter?!? Where was any security perimeter drone? Zero dogs on-site? Is that even slightly believable?

Standing snipers easily had complete view of nearby rooftops, all of which were below the snipers’ barn, which sat on a raised hill along with the field of fans and spectators.

Time for trauma exam whilst still in line-of-fire, not even ten seconds after first shot ?!?

This is beyond ridiculous.

Video proof of snipers waiting for shooter to shoot first

Snipers obviously trained towards if not right onto shooter’s nest WHILE Trump still speaking! This picture is proof of delayed response. They literally waited for the shooter to shoot first.

Footage of Wife of Man Shot in Head

Wife is seated, in white shirt, in front of man standing in green shirt.

Is that what real grief looks and sounds like?

His name was supposedly Cory Comperatore, (with a perhaps back-story of being) former Fire Chief, with a wife and 2 daughters. ”A man killed at a campaign rally for former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on Saturday has been identified as 50-year-old former fire chief Corey Comperatore”.

DEI Diversity Equity Initiative

We identified DEI as involved with the emplacement into Maryland governorship the ex-military Rhodes scholar named Wes Moore prior to the Baltimore Key Bridge DEW takedown.

Another “lone nut” sans plausible motive

Miraculous, super-speed DNA match, 100% certain, plus all history immediately found!

“Oh boy …how did they get the DNA of the shooter SO FAST ….since the shooter didn’t have any identification on him …..what ??? They have ‘ warp speed ‘ DNA testing or warp speed PCR testing ..AND ITS RIGHT ON THE SPOT …. AMAZING. WOW”

“Wow … congratulations to all the smart people here! No way they allow him to remain on stage and do fist pumps! NO WAY Vince MaMahon was the executive sponsor for the event”

comment to video

Weirdness about DJT’s Shoes

“His shoes came off” ~6:00 into — WTF?!

0:27 into here Trump says, “Let me get my shoes.” —

s”I heard one of the crisis actors claim that DJT’s shoes came off. I disbelieved. Then I heard DJT say, “let me get my shoes” into the still-on podium microphone. WHAT IS THE OCCULT SIGNIFICANCE OF THOSE DAMN SHOES ?!?”

“Surely this psyop proves to the clueless believers that Trump is second leg of same Romish beast out of Italy. THEY ALL SERVE THE PEPO (and rearrange the E and the O). W T F U —- CONSPIRACY FIRST stie has more, as does DARKNESS IS FALLING stie.”

comment to video

Trump’s shoes at 7:31 into

Trump’s shoes at 7:31 into

Trump, a secret gun-grabber, now has ‘reason’ to grab openly

“Video from cabinet member showed Trump saying, “take the guns first, then let them figure it out in court later”. Trump has always been a g-grabber. Now this just ‘gives him strong reason’ to move it from secret to forefront. COUNT ON THAT. Trump was also self-proclaimed “father of the” thing made-by-F-ow!-chi and huge pusherman proponent of each citizen taking its duedosage. HE IS NOT ONE OF US NOR FOR US .. other leg of Vati beast out of Rome Italy. CONSPIRACYFIRST stie has much more.”

comment to video

No hysterical daughter of supposedly shot fireman

“Where was any positively HYSTERICAL daughter, screaming bloody murder — because that’s supposedly what just happened to her dad ?!? EVIDENCE DOES NOT EXIST — SAME LYING “KEPT PET” MASS MEDIA LIED AGAIN”

comment to video

No cloud of blood mist from (supposed) head-shot fireman

We know from JFK / Zapruder what happens when high-velocity round explodes a human head.

“The people nearby were not covered in cloud / mist of blood that we know comes from headshots, due to JFK Zapruder. Fake fake fake fake fake. So many clues showing fakery; only alternative is to again take the word of and beLIEve the lying, controlled massmedia. CONSPIRACY FIRST has much more”

comment to video

“Where was any positively HYSTERICAL daughter, screaming bloody murder — because that’s supposedly what just happened to her dad ?!? EVIDENCE DOES NOT EXIST — SAME LYING “KEPT PET” MASS MEDIA LIED AGAIN”

comment to video

Every member on DJT’s Secret Service Detail under age 30?

Apparently. Visibly obvious: All members are shorter than Trump.

Bumbling, untrained Secret Service Women can’t reholster?

Woman SS shows “duper’s delight”

“Female secret service woman ( ponytail hair ) in front of Trump when he was being escorted off the podium can clearly be seen smiling…dupers delight.”

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Location in bleachers of supposed head-shot man NOT in-line with Trump

Right-ear Predictive Programming

Tall water tower immediately adjacent to Trump, Zero Secret Service

Lack of security, site coverage due to nobody on or at the water tower.

Audio Response of Crowd Does Not Add-Up

“We should hear people that are screaming, inconsolable, especially women.”

From Peggy Hall video 3:00 in —

No blood on Trump right hand after he touches ear

Never any blood on Trump right hand visible during entire event

From Peggy Hall video 3:30 in —

Nobody runs away

From Peggy Hall video 4:10 in —

Trump’s Fist-raise Pose “So Cringe”

It was in fact a communist “power-sign” or sigil.

“It’s hard not to laught anymore, at how blatant things are.”

Official story so far (from Peggy Hall’s The Healthy American substack)

Here’s the official story so far: a random 20-year-old acting completely alone walked within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle, climbed onto a rooftop in full view of Secret Service snipers, set up his shot, and fired without anyone intervening and with no help from anyone. This 20-year-old is also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination and yet not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site ever in his life. He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it. His last and only political act, before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, was to register as a Republican. You must believe this and ask no questions about it or else you are a conspiracy theorist.

And one thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved.

ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS Trump’s Potential Assassination and the Action of Divine Intervention – The Angel’s Breath of G’d wrote and then moved on

“This is a western astrological reading by Maralyn Burstein, using fixed stars that were primarily used in the past by illustrious astrologers of decent sophistication such as William Lilly of 17th-century England, who used the exactitude of the fixed stars for the color and precise insights only they offered.  Normally, western astrologers do not know the ‘fixed stars’ and don’t use them, making western astrology an astrology that offers little depth.” —

Zero follow-up

“Not one news crew rushed to the hospital that Trump was taken to to stand in the parking lot and give a live update.”

2017 Caesar play portrays a Trump Down event

Line in play: “Give me your ear”. ~ 10:04 in

Also: same blood pattern on right side of face. Notice missing upper ear.

Also: movie “SNAKE EYES” about person being grazed by bullet. Was filmed inside Trumps Taj Mahal property. mentioned ~10:50 in

BELOW: Snipers aware, already trained on shooter on (rooftop) nest, whilst Trump still talking. The shooter should have been neutralized before firing any shots, and certainly immediately after firing the first shot. This photo and source video indisputably proves foreknowledge and delaying stand-down / hold-off orders, which reportedly went on for several minutes. At the very least, Trump should have been whisked away, saving Trump’s ear and (supposedly) the (supposed) fireman/spectator’s life.

Same video, regarding raid on raw milk family farm (“Nourish Cooperative”) in Michigan (reported on also notes: “This is the shape of things to come; family farms will become a thing of the past.” ~ 15:00 in

“Humanity can’t help but to build their own prison.” — this is due to economic forces providing ‘guidance’ in the form of funding ‘desired’ efforts and outcomes.

See also the ridiculous spicy “One Chip Challenge” — ~ 25:00 in — Carolina Reaper and Naga Viper peppers

Unbelievable mash-up of several footages

Shows the snipers, the shooter, the crowd, and the fakeologist Trumpster.

Trump “shooter” was in a BlackRock ad

16:30 into

Nobody will get fired

“You wanna bet NOBODY gets fired.”

comment fo

“Standard Protocol” ignored, broken

“The standard perimeter was supposed to be 1000 yards of safety, and the kid climb 130 yard away into a roof low enough people could see him and the Trump was allowed to stay. This glows in the dark.”

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Enables secret gun-grabber Trump to be open gun-grabber

“we cannot expect the government to protect us from the government”

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Physically Too-short SS Detail, Total Clown Show

“I saw a picture of that woman who was having trouble holstering her firearm ducked down hiding behind trump while the shots were being fired.”

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$4+ million Go Fund Me – Is “ex-fireman” head-shot victim verified real by indie research?

Or is this yet another lazy, ‘we’re taking their word for it’ ?

Dr Narco Longo analyzes w/ Robert Phoenix

Commenter to video (at around 1:23:00 in) noted Trump was saying, “look at the chart” as the first shot was fired.

Shooter’s Nest was on rooftop of AGR, supplier to Raytheon DEW Maker

Not suspicious at all; total coincidunce.

Official Explanation of Shooter’s Successful Evasion Blamed on “Rules of Engagement” – This was apparently either a shoot-out or else a sanctioned assault.

Even if this is true, the snipers would have been already trained on the shooter; the shotter would not have been able to fire off so many shots, likely only one.

“You can’t really say he evaded them when like 10 people pointed him out to them. He didn’t evade them, he was ignored by them.”

“Cheadle said the roof was too steep for the SS to be on, but the roofs that they were on were at least as steep. That statement should be enough to lose her job.”

“Yea, cause a guy on a roof that’s definitely not supposed to be there aiming at a former president with an AR isn’t a big enough threat to go ahead and that’s crazy.”

“Their security failures began LONG before what was stated here. They had no effective PLAN, they didn’t properly use the assets they had like DRONES, and they didn’t put personnel ON THAT roof well in advance, all things any 10 year old could have figured out.”

“The Secret Service is so secret that nobody knows what they are doing, not even themselves..”

“This IS NOT gross incompetence, this was an inside job.”

“AGR supplies Raytheon DEW military weapons maker. Look deeply into that.”

“I have attended the Trump rally in Kenosha, WI, and when Obama made his big speech in downtown Chicago. Last week’s incident was the most relaxed I have ever seen the Secret Service. For two miles around the event in Kenosha, it was nothing but Secret Service. You couldn’t turn your head without seeing an agent with a rifle. Dogs sniffed every car entering the area. Then, we had to take a short bus ride to the rally, followed by a long wait to get through the pat-downs and metal detectors. Every rooftop had someone stationed on it, and some cherry pickers had people on them. It was the same with the Obama rally. They were there weeks ahead of time, securing buildings. When you see stuff like this and see what happened, it makes you question if it was an inside job. because the Secret Service should never fail.”

“In 2007, before Obama was elected, he had a speaking engagement in Cincinnati. I was a security officer at the hotel that was connected to the convention center. Secret service contracted hotel security and had me and another security officer escort them through the hotel. The sweep was so thorough, bomb sniffing dogs and all. They used the hotel back entrance and cargo elevators. Secret service at every turn. Iron clad; no stone unturned. These MEN know what they’re doing! Nothing is left to chance. All hypotheticals are covered. Watch the video when the secret service agent was told to fall back right before JFK got erased. There are higher powers at work here.

“If this was a movie plot, no one would believe it because of the utter incompetence.”

“Counter sniper teams with 5-25x magnification optics could see the zits on his face at 130 meters. No way they couldn’t identify him as a threat. I find it hard to believe that SS has a protocol for engagement that is higher than regular law enforcement. God, I would hate to have been in that AAR meeting.”

“So why did they let Trump go on stage if they knew there was someone suspicious in the perimeter?”

“It seems to me like everybody and their grandma knew that there was a suspicious guy on the roof, with the exception of the Secret Service.”

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See below, Observations of Timings and Loudness section. 9 shots in the initial two bunched barrages, followed 15 seconds later by a 10th shot seems much more like a “shoot out” (or a sanctioned assault) than a shooter being allowed to take the first shot before the already pre-targeting sniper(s) “neutralized” him.

Gematrical 7,800 Secret Service Agents on payroll

LOL. Of course: Another “78” — see the decodings of Zachary K Hubbard, Gematria Effect News.

Iron Ear Trump

Ears are very sensitive, to a whisper, a lick, a kiss, a nibble, a breath. You’d think a piercing gunshot would have Trump yelping, at least once. The apparently complete absence of pain indicates fakery.

I bet he never shows that pierced ear; it will be expertly mended with seamless perfection before it appears again in any massmedia.

Shots’ Report-to-Echo Times Differ, Proving Shots Fired From Different Positions, Multiple Sources, or else audio manipulation


Youtube video saved in MP4 format video+audio file.

mp4 format video+audio file converted to WAV format audio file.

WAV audio file loaded into AUDACITY 2.3.2 (windows)

Tallest sharp peak each considered as “the moment of the shot fired”. Same for each echo.

Shot 1 – from 7.610 sec (shot) to 7.832 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.222 sec.

Shot 2 – from 8.467 sec (shot) to 8.685 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.218 sec.

Shot 3 – from 9.147 sec (shot) to 9.360 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.214 sec.

Shot 4 – from 11.928 sec (shot) to 12.140 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.212 sec.

Shot 5 – from 12.185 sec (shot) to 12.396 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.211 sec.

Shot 6 – from 12.397 sec (shot) to 12.549 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.152 sec.

Shot 7 – from 12.549 sec (shot) to 12.700 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.151 sec.

Shot 8 – from 12.696 sec (shot) to 12.918 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.222 sec.

Shot 9 – from 13.411 sec (shot) to 13.559 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.148 sec.

Shot 10 – from 23.390 sec (shot) to 23.637 sec (echo) — length of shot to echo 0.247 sec.

Observations of Timings and Loudness

Shot 10 is presumably the single “kill shot” fired from the sniper.

Odd that both snipers had not fired (only one kill shot). Odd that snipers in other positions also had not fired (or at least their shots were not recorded by the podium microphone).

Odd that Shot 10, which is much (4x) closer is not therefore 16x louder (loudness falls off at square of distance); in fact, the character of all shots and their echoes are remarkably similar, indicating shooter and sniper(s) used substantially similar weapons, barrel lengths and materials, facing directions, ammunitions, gunpowder loads, calibers, etc. The shooter (at 400 foot distance) was facing perpendicularly directly at the microphone; the sniper(s) (at 50 foot distance) were facing perpendicularly away from the microphone.

Several presently unexplained time anomalies exist (times between a shot and its echo) on shots 6, 7, 9, all of which were 50 msec shorter than all others, indicating multiple shooters at different distances (closer) or else audio recording manipulation. Barring “conspiracy”, these anomalies strongly suggest multiple shots fired from two (or more) groupings of equally-distant locations.

For snipers that had pre-identified and pre-targeted the shooter, they still allowed the shooter to fire 9 shots (presuming there was only one shot made by the snipers, the single kill shot)! Note that the time delay between the shooter’s first shot (at 7.610 sec into recording) until the sniper’s single kill shot (at 23.390 sec into recording) is exactly 15.78 seconds. Zachary K Hubbard (Gematria Effect News) has identified 15 and 78 as gematrial numbers significant in this event (see above).

Observations of Spectrum Analyses

The recording was not made in an anechoic chamber under controlled conditions: People moving around, background sounds, the wind — all these factors and more contribute to the components in the audio spectrum, despite a tiny 3 msec (0.003 sec) Blackman-Harris sampling window spanned by 128 data points (beginning from each shot’s initial firing time) which was chosen in attempt to capture the nature of the impulse/impact without also sampling much background sound. Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see similarities in #2 and #7; then #5 and #6; then #4 and #10. The data could support a more interactive “shoot out”.

The day prior to the shooting, Someone bet big (10x volume, 520x price, 801% increase!) Trump stock would drop

“It’s like these idiots didn’t even plan for the contingency that [the Trump assassination attempt] might not work.” 10:00 into video

Independent Analysis also confirms two shooters minimum

In this video below, shots 1, 2, 3 all sound the same. Shots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are clearly different. Video 2 is played at around 19:00 into this analysis video

RE the bullet velocities mentioned here and there and also at around 25:30 in — The air was hot and dense (humidity); the kid probably did not have the greatest ammo; his gun barrel was probably moderate at best. Let’s not say 2,600 fps but instead maybe 2,100 fps for bullet velocity at muzzle. Check Paul Harrell’s many, many youtubes confirming these fps timings over many weapons, many ammo types and loads.

Interesting the identification of missing echoes (made at around 26:00 into video) of shots 3 and 6 (in audio of video #2).

Are there any bullet holes in the AGR buildings? There should be zero, if shooter took the only bullet fired in that direction into his head.

Interesting hypothesis, a second shooter, inside the building below Crooks (rooftop shooter). Explains upwards trajectory of the bullet that hit the man in his chest as he was standing at top of bleachers behind and to Trump’s left. Also echoes the storm-drain shooter

Mike Adams / Health Ranger apparently did another analysis, but beware, M/A was warned numerous times about the endless intrigues of Vatican Jesuits more than 15 years ago but has never mentioned anything. Witholding any data makes one by definition a “gate keeper” AKA “limited hangout”. M/A is therefore to be considered another tool of “controlled opposition”.

Jeff Ostroff Analysis

Jeff Ostroff analysis. Beware: Ostroff was repeatedly warned of the likely involvement of DEW in the Baltimore Key Bridge takedown (his last big effort); however, instead of addressing or even noting any of the many anomalies, he ignored, belittled and emlpoyed weak logical fallacies to confound and mislead. For this reason he is another suspect “limited hangout”. Ostroff does tend to include good footage and images in his presentations.

Awaiting the Twin?

“I just wanted to share something with you that I learned last night. The people who practice the Kabbalah/ Jewish mysticism do not accept Jesus as their messiah. They are waiting for their messiah who will be a twin. I think that’s where the twin obsession comes from.”

“Trumps coat of arms has twins on it…too”

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Never forget, Trump WARNED US he is a snake

Trump Latest Speech BACKFIRES as he Exposes HE IS THE SNAKE the GOP Let In

1 thought on “Trump Shooting Anomalies as of Jul 2024 No Coincidences”

  1. EVERY Secret Service field agent must surely know and consider how ineptitude and corruption from on-high in their organization surely imperils their lives at every moment.


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