Black Professor Confirms Colin Flaherty Was Right About Anti White Racism
My ex-gf is one of those leftists who straight up told me one time that thousands of black people are murdered by police every day, not every year, EVERY DAY. And this has been going on for decades and there is a nationwide law enforcement coverup of it. I asked her if that was true how are there any black people left in America?
Yep, and she can vote and procreate. Scary isn’t it?
She left you and went full-monte for the “BBC” and now has an onlyfans page?
Same man. Mine is so liberal and absolutely won’t listen to anything but what she thinks. Why they keep getting voted in. I’m an middle left and that is far right now. There will never be a conservative government again trust me.
That’s because Catho/Vati agenda to bring in “diversity” like an overrunning invasion. So many mongrel voices screaming, in-fighting, nothing will ever get done except blathering degeneration. Ancient technique used often down through history. Stupid Americans. Stupid.
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.” — Thomas Sowell
University of Maryland did a study about blacks being ticketed disproportionately on the interstate. They set up their own radar cameras and found out that blacks were the most frequent speeders and should actually get more tickets.
COLIN FLAHERTY proved the anti-white bias in mass media ( years ago — see his interviews and also books DONT MAKE THE BLACK KIDS ANGRY and also WHITE GIRL BLEED A LOT — this is very stale info
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