How the Constant Litany of Hoaxed Faked False Flag and Otherwise Helped Along Mass Shoahtings Undermine Second Amendment

How the Constant Litany of Hoaxed Faked False Flag and Otherwise Helped Along Mass Shoahtings Undermine Second Amendment

It comes down to the perception of the judges. Wholly-hoaxed and partially “helped along” mass-shooting (“shoahting”) events such as Sandy Hoax that are media-frenzied by the verifiably Zionic mass-media eventually sway perception.

Half the US Supreme Court is Catholic, the other half Zionic. In a nation that is largely Protestant, this monstrous mismatch will beget eventual enslavement of the majority to minority view and rule.
How the Constant Litany of Hoaxed Faked False Flag and Otherwise Helped Along Mass Shoahtings Undermine Second Amendment

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