Dupers Delight What Is It What Does It Look Like

Dupers Delight What Is It What Does It Look Like


“Duper’s delight” refers to the pleasure some people feel when they successfully deceive others. This concept, often associated with liars or manipulators, can sometimes be observed in facial expressions or body language, especially when they feel they’ve gotten away with a lie. It can be subtle, like a small smirk, suppressed smile, or a fleeting expression of pride or excitement. In the context of crisis actors (a controversial and largely debunked concept), proponents of conspiracy theories claim that these actors sometimes exhibit such expressions, suggesting they take pleasure in misleading the public.

Here are key characteristics often associated with liars and potential indicators of “duper’s delight”:

  1. Smirking or a Suppressed Smile: The person may show a slight grin or smirk after telling a lie, a subtle indicator of satisfaction or amusement.
  2. Inconsistent Emotions: The liar’s emotional expression may not match the content of their words (e.g., smiling or grinning while discussing something tragic or serious).
  3. Microexpressions: Very brief facial expressions that reveal true feelings before the liar can mask them. For example, a flash of anger or excitement might appear for a split second before they compose their face.
  4. Body Language: They may exhibit signs like fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or overly exaggerated gestures.
  5. Gaze Patterns: Some liars make too much eye contact to appear convincing, while others might avoid it.
  6. Speech Patterns: Liars often pause longer than usual before answering questions, repeat themselves, or provide too much detail.

Dupers Delight What Is It What Does It Look Like





Dupers Delight


One thing that a sociopath feels is ‘dupers delight’. A sociopath doesn’t feel too many emotions. … Because of this sociopaths struggle with boredom and ways to get excitement. One way that they can get a rush is by manipulation and deceit, and deliberately conning someone. This is called dupers delight. The rush that they feel when they are conning someone who they feel is more stupid, and can’t see through their lies.

When found out, they do not feel bad for hurting you and they do not feel remorse or shame. Instead they feel a rush of endorphins, which for a sociopath is described as dupers delight. This can be addictive. An addiction to experiencing that rush of endorphins. And so, they repeat this behaviour again, and again.

This is one of the reasons why sociopaths cannot be rehabilitated. They cannot change, because they feel empty inside, they become addicted to this rush of adrenaline that they feel by conning someone. … They will make empty false promises, that they will change, that they have changed. But these are merely just words. A sociopath lives on words. Unfortunately, there is rarely any correlation between words and actions.

A sociopath takes great joy, in conning, manipulating, deceiving. He enjoys abusing your sense of ‘trust’. … To the sociopath, he thinks that he is superior to you, more clever than you, and that he has the ability to be something that you cannot.




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