Real ID Noose Slowly Tightening 2025 TSA to Require RID to Fly Domestically

Real ID Noose Slowly Tightening 2025 TSA to Require RID to Fly Domestically

Real ID Noose Slowly Tightening 2025 TSA to Require RID to Fly Domestically

“In May of 2025 the TSA plans to start requiring the Real ID to fly on domestic flights in the United States. This is the creation of a National ID and a clear violation of basic Constitutional rights. State driver’s licenses IDs that are not Real ID complaint will no longer be valid to fly domestically. They must be Real ID compliant. It is clear that this is the first step to incrementally require a Real ID for all interactions with the Federal government and eventually all aspects of society.

“The Real ID was created by an unpatriotic Congress and President in 2005 under the lie of national security. In the aftermath of the 911 false flag operation, the globalist puppet president George W. Bush and Republicans and Democrats, started two unpatriotic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, fleeced American tax dollars, and borrowed money from China to do it. These anti American zealots also created a surveillance police state with the Patriot Act, etc., and also created the dehumanizing NAZI modeled DHS and the TSA.

“A Real ID will allow the federal government to track American citizens, and at some point, will likely include medical information such as ‘vaccine’ status. Authoritarians are arguing that the Real ID should include vaccination status.

“There is no benefit to humans for the government to have a Real ID system in place. It only removes basic human liberty and dignity. It provides no security. We could very easily see the Real ID syncing with quarantines and federal tacking of vaccine status. The Real ID will in no way help stop illegal immigration any more than it will make you safe. Police the border, do not create a police state.

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