Strange History of FEMA as Millions Flee Hurricane Milton

Strange History of FEMA as Millions Flee Hurricane Milton

Hurricane Milton turns from Cat 1 to Cat 5 in matter of hours

…Been a Floridian for many decades – No, a storm / hurricane does NOT magically, instantly jump from 1 to 5, nor even 1 to 4. This (like Helene, Dorian, Irma, Andrew, & likely all for over a century) is weaponized weather.

NEVER buy an electric vehicle. No electricity, your stranded.

I’m 62 years old here in North Carolina and when I was a young child I remember hurricanes hitting the coast and then turning East back out to the ocean. I’m quite familiar with weather modification and control and it makes me so mad because here in North Carolina they murdered all those people for the minerals and the expansions that they wanted in the areas where the residents opposed. Also hurricanes do not travel 300 miles inland and caused the damage that it has in North Carolina. They are doing this all on purpose and FEMA here is absolutely no help whatsoever. It’s the residents who live here who are trying to bypass FEMA to really get food and water to the people who are desperate. Do not give your money to FEMA or the Red Cross just donate to your local churches. It makes me so mad because people think I’m crazy because I say they can control the weather and they have two more hurricanes coming back to back. At least my home is still standing but I didn’t have power for 8 days but I did have water thank God and good neighbors to help me.

Cat 1 to cat 5 is very unusual. I live in gulf coast and we have had many hurricanes. This hurricane is not normal. They are destroying red states just before election My family have lived here a very long time and ask people on gulf coast and they will tell you that a hurricane has never done this it is crazy weather modification.

Maui 2.0 FEMA blocked us from helping

“He who controls the weather will control the world.” -Lyndon B Johnson, 1962.

Luke 21:28 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Strange History of FEMA as Millions Flee Hurricane Milton

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