Mass Shoahting Las Vegas Gun Grab 2017 vs Lahaina DEW Attack Land Grab 2023
Video contains numerous clips, all absurd, insensible and self-conflicting. Truth is simple; reality is simple. Lies always eventually conflict with self or known reality. Worse still are hoaxes in which the majority or entirety is false, invented.
At 11:50 into the video, one clip perfectly demonstrates rapid-fire shots and then a few seconds later in the far distance shots fired at distant rate. This proves more than one “shooter”.
Was anyone, except crisis actors, actually shot? Killed? 16:30 “…well in excess of 100 injured and in excess of 20 that have died.” Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo — yet, no names, no verifiable identities, no official follow-up…it’s as if all those supposedly hurt and killed had no families, they have since (by design) just sort of withered away into forever silence. Of course the official repository of supposed fatally-shot victims’ names is NYT and is hidden behind a paywall: Other sources are included down below.
Zionic mass media
This event is another mass-shoahting hoax either in entirety or some substantial part. It was created (or allowed) and then hyped to continue peer pressure against 2nd Amendment to US Constitution, the right to keep and bear arms against governmental tyranny. Once They disarm the populace, all down through recorded history, then the true genocides have begun.

“In a 100% Total Coincidunce, the police chief in-charge [JOHN PELLETIER] of this staged event a few years later was manipulated into position of police chief (and also coroner!) to preside over the massive land-grab and DEW attack that was Lahaina, Hawaii in Aug 2023.” – video comment
Rampant crisis actors in-play.

BELOW: Gun Grab Galore constant familiar rant of the Zionic Mass Media (, intent upon disarming citizenry in preparation for mass genocide, enslavement. Remember, Everything serves an agenda, including Their “news”.

More than quarter-mile distance. ZOG news claimed that one person was hit thrice in his chest. Extremely In The Extreme.

BELOW: ~21:10 Look at the almost unbridled, unhidden Duper’s Delight on this fcking liar’s face (“Mike Cronk”, crisis actor) — followed by the unbelievably unbelievable story…so comically unlikely that he simply can not stop smiling throughout.

Pres Trump (2016) issued DoJ directive to confiscate and destroy over 60,000 bump stock firearm accessories.

ZOG Mass Media even got Ellen Degenerate to show-and-tell —

BELOW: Changing story ALWAYS indicates likely deception.

BELOW: Incorrect, manipulated, deceptive bodycam footage shows wrong date and time.

BELOW: Sheriff claimed unarmed hotel security guard Jesus Campos had been “shot in the right thigh” with a high-powered round, one of “200 bullets” fired. However, Campos has his left calf exposed (in Masonic-ritualistic manner) and says “I don’t know if it’s a pellet.” LOL ~42:00 in — Also, of course, No Blood. Also, no SWAT teams, just bozos loafing around. Also, despite the claimed “200 rounds” there is Zero Evidence of even a single shot having been fired. This entire thing is just another Gigantic Lie. The “pellet” with similarity to JOHN PELLETIER (police in-charge, who, after managing this GUN GRAB, would later go on to be manipulated into office to preside over the LAND GRAB that was the Directed Energy Weapons attack in Lahaina, Hawaii in Aug 2023) must not be overlooked; They play the ‘name game’, gematrical number, and word tricks constantly. Also, 32 as in 32 levels of Masonry prior to the 33rd, said to be the first level at which Mason gains full awareness of the demonic subservience.

BELOW: Zionic news creates “strawmen” to foment strife, or else reports on what it should ignore — ~48:00

Anti- “conspiracy theorist” naysayers are rolled-out — who are subsequently rewarded as ZOG Mass Media whores and tools?

11 years prior to the Las Vegas hoaxed massacre, an un-imaged JOTI SAMRA appears in IMDB in “director [Silvio Pollio] wish to thank” credits for the film coinciduncely named SHUT UP AND SHOOT —

Supposed shooter STEPHEN PADDOCK autopsy report
Time of death (and also manner!) differs from that reported by all public officials’ statements and Zionic news reports —

Penalizing 4-day delay in the autopsy — counter to “within 24 hours” best-practices —

Exploring Shoahting Victims
So many victims, so many rounds fired
Wikipedia, who most-favored editing is most often done by anonymii, presents presumably the official lie — “truth by consensus” rather than just plain truth via verifiable evidence —

Eyeballing one apparent victim

Full victims list
Video goes on to explore crime-scene photos of the body, head-shot, etc at around 50:00 in. Also, video of STEPHEN PADDOCK are shown with image-captures juxtaposed and compared. Many curious gematrical and numerological aspects are also explored. The compilation of HULU commercials is truly creepy.