LUNARCY Irrefutable Proof of Fraud
See the Total Sham for yourself in under 17 minutes. Shoddy, shabby fraud, not a precision machine. “But the emperor has nothing at all on,” said a little child.
The buckling, and the bowing, and the unending misfits …and gold tape!

See also
so I’ve ever been to a an air show and
0:02you’ve had to look at some of the
0:04machines they’re like I have a look at
0:06some military machines like fighter jets
0:09then and such and and studying the
0:12attention to detail and I think you you
0:15don’t even have to go and you already
0:17know okay while the attention to detail
0:19is going to be outstanding
0:21so anyways kind of with all that in mind
0:23I want to do a bit of a review on this
0:26Apollo 11 moon lander I’ve got it I
0:29think of some some other Apollo missions
0:31mixed in here yet to all kind of let you
0:33know what when happens
0:34but all the pictures that I’m going to
0:37show you are from NASA gov or when I was
0:42on also provided a
0:46link to a Apollo image archive so that’s
0:50where also I got a number of these
0:52pictures so let’s dig into this a bit so
0:58keep in mind that I’m gonna be more
1:01critical of this thing because who built
1:04it like for example if my kids had built
1:07something like this in the backyard and
1:09it was supposed to be used as a play
1:12fort or something like that I mean I
1:14would look at it completely different
1:16than you know if NASA builds it okay so
1:19with that in mind I just want to show
1:22you a couple of things here and I got
1:25myself kind of going on this ladder
1:27thing and that’s one of the things we’re
1:29going to look at I’m gonna start with
1:30that and I want you to see okay so this
1:34picture it’s called Aldrin backing out
1:37of the LM hatch and let’s go to another
1:41picture here so you can see as he said
1:45he kind of backs out onto this platform
1:47and so he’s he’s kind of blind as he
1:51he’s gonna have to kind of reach down
1:54with his legs somehow and find this
1:57ladder so it’s kind of like an odd thing
1:59like imagine if you are getting off the
2:01roof of your house and your ladder is
2:03kind of tucked up under the eve of the
2:05roof just a little bit you have to kind
2:07of reach down and I know it’s kind of
2:09like an oddball way of
2:12doing us zoom in a bit here so look so
2:15he’s just come off that platform and
2:17this is what I want to show you guys
2:19look at this ladder look at right here
2:22where his feet are gonna go there’s
2:24they’ve got like a like half of a pipe
2:27or a tube or something it’s taped onto
2:30the ladder I mean the guy has just come
2:33off what I would imagine like blind to
2:37where he’s going to be stepping because
2:38he’s got this suit and stuff and he’s
2:40kind of laying on a platform so now he’s
2:42coming over the edge and he’s got to
2:45make sure he doesn’t step on this this
2:47thing that they’ve taped on here and so
2:50you think well maybe that’s the only
2:51spot but then a little ways down they’ve
2:53got another one like what is here’s
2:56another spot where it’s kind of like a
2:58trip and fall has ER you know in this
3:01situation if these guys poke a hole in
3:03their suit a year they will you know
3:06that how much chance do they have a sort
3:08of surviving because I think to get
3:10pressure back they would have to crawl
3:13back in and get everything closed up and
3:17repressurize the cabin and howl howl
3:21howl on would that all take you know
3:22what I mean so you kind of want to keep
3:24you guys safe I mean somehow slip and
3:26hook on something here
3:34so the description on this picture is LM
3:38forward slash Aldrin and the ID number
3:41on it is a s 11 – 40 – five nine
3:44twenty-eight and that is in the Apollo
3:47archives so up on top you can see kind
3:50of like this round disc up on top there
3:53and it kind of hangs over and it sort of
3:55looks like maybe they were thinking that
3:57they could pull the paneling out to kind
3:59of match the shape of that disc I’m not
4:04sure in the paddling is see how it’s
4:07kind of pushed in here and the waving
4:09and the buckling right here is a pretty
4:11good gap right here and they use quite
4:16they use an assortment of colors so
4:19they’ve got the dark ones here and here
4:23they’ve got a combination of the light
4:24dark light and you see the paddling here
4:29this is what I want to get into later in
4:30the next picture it was a pretty good
4:32shot coming up of the this piling and
4:35particularly I think it’s this corner
4:37here that we’re gonna look at so you can
4:41see the buckling you know the the bowing
4:43here and here’s the interesting thing
4:47also look at this area so back in the
4:52day we had crossbar pads on our dirt
4:55bikes and I’ve still got one on my old
4:57CR and so it looks like a covering on
5:00some full maybe underneath right along
5:03here and look in the back here so you
5:06see they got one I guess
5:08maybe they they didn’t have the covering
5:10wasn’t long enough or something and so
5:12but evidently they had an abundance of
5:15foil tape so they kind of got some tape
5:19going on there to get that thing on
5:21there and over here this looks like the
5:25foam that you might have like if you
5:28want to insulate the pipes in your
5:29basement or something like that so
5:31here’s here’s some more what looks like
5:32foam without the covering you see the
5:36little slot right in there and a little
5:38piece of tape over this what looks like
5:40foam okay so this is the corner now that
5:46I think I was looking at in
5:48previous picture right here and I’m
5:51gonna zoom in on that so this is a
5:54high-res picture on the on the Apollo
5:59archives and it’s titled close-up of
6:01close-up of LM and the ID number on that
6:05picture is a s 11 – 40 – 5 9 – 2 so if
6:11you have a look at that like when I was
6:14looking at this for a while I actually
6:16called the wipe over and to get her to
6:18have a look at this because it was
6:19rather amazing and I don’t mean it was
6:22amazing in a good way so let’s back up a
6:25bit here so this darker colored paneling
6:28I’m assuming that they used that to make
6:32a patch here because it kind of looks
6:34like they came up a little short on the
6:35floor and so they wanted to finish this
6:39off so they got that other piece of
6:40toddling there and they looks like
6:42they’ve bent it into this shape and I
6:45mentioned maybe before that it seems
6:48they have an abundance of this gold foil
6:51tape so they got that in there and look
6:56at the look at the fit over here also
6:58like you got a big big buckle right here
7:00you could probably almost get your hand
7:02in there and you can see on the paddling
7:05like to fit the waist it’s bowing and
7:07buckling there and so we’ll go a little
7:12bit on the bottom here so down here this
7:16looks to me like what maybe some
7:19construction paper or like what you’d
7:21have like in a school project so
7:23obviously I don’t know exactly what it
7:25is and it’s kind of wrinkled and
7:27possibly damaged in some areas it seems
7:29like they put tape on some damaged spots
7:33I’m not sure what’s all happened here
7:35the little spots of tape you know the
7:38interesting thing about this tape is if
7:42it would have had to have been put on in
7:45the fabrication shop because it would
7:49seem to me that when the astronauts are
7:51out and about and doing their work they
7:55would likely care less whether or not
7:58there’s a little tear or something in
8:00material and and even if they did want
8:03to put tape on how would they possibly
8:05do that with gloves on so so that means
8:09this looked like this with the tape and
8:12then likely all of most of this
8:14wrinkling in the fabrication shop and
8:17they send it out of the door that way I
8:19don’t something about it but this corner
8:22here that really got me when I was
8:23looking at that I tell you what guys
8:25look at that the buckling the bowing in
8:30the patching and the tape here’s another
8:35shot of panels have a look at the
8:38overhang here is probably maybe 1/2
8:44inches of panel that just kind of hangs
8:46there like that here in this corner you
8:49can see again that something’s been
8:51going on here with a kind of an odd
8:54fitting system there and over here I
8:58noticed so this is that a rocket little
9:02rocket Direction blaster one of them
9:06here and looks like they’ve got kind of
9:08like a curved support for this little
9:12guide for the blast so they could have I
9:16guess cut that off a little shorter and
9:18it’s probably an inch that they could
9:20have cut often it’s extra weight this
9:23piece that kind of reminds me of that
9:25molding that maybe you might find on
9:27some cars where you open the door and
9:30where the door jamb transitions to the
9:32panels on the interior like there’s kind
9:35of like a c-shaped molding that kind of
9:37goes around there that’s kind of what it
9:38reminds me of and remember this odd
9:43shaped box and I think we’re on the
9:46other side now I’ll just go up here of
9:50remember that dish that was on the top
9:52and then it looked like the kind of
9:53maybe pulled that panel out so I think
9:55we’re on the back side now so you
9:58remember that gap here under this panel
10:00and that odd shaped box with a different
10:03colored panels on the sides and stuff
10:06okay so on the back side that’s I think
10:09where we are now have a look at this
10:13and check that out so to me it looks
10:17like they’ve got some kind of tubing or
10:22something going through this panel and
10:25right in this area
10:27it looks like they have something
10:30fastened to that tubing so that maybe
10:34the panel could attach to this assembly
10:38right so but look at the gap here I mean
10:41you could probably reach right inside
10:43there almost be a gap I’m assuming that
10:47this is aluminum now so like look at the
10:51fit and finish of this machine like
10:53right here check that out
10:54so probably inch and a half too big
10:58maybe two inches too much room there and
11:01something happened here and look at the
11:06and it just keeps going guys it just
11:09seems to keep going
11:10so more stuff going on here with the way
11:13they fabricated this and fit it together
11:15you see up here and like wow like Wow oh
11:24yeah there’s a thing I found here too
11:26so look at the panel right here so they
11:30got the rivets going on here rivets
11:32rivets and here they cut the panel you
11:35see how they cut a corner out of it kind
11:38of looks like that panel should be
11:39fitting in here nice but they cut a they
11:42cut a corner out of it when they like
11:46what why would they have to cut that
11:47corner out of there why wouldn’t you
11:48make it fit the machine nice you know if
11:51you look right here there’s a little
11:52fastener see another one here and I
11:57think it’s the same kind of fasteners
11:58that they were using along the top here
12:01and there’s a pair here and a pair here
12:04and you can see it kind of pulls in that
12:07material as it’s inserted so this looks
12:10like the same kind of a fastener and
12:12it’s obviously quite a bit different
12:13than what I think here is a rivet okay a
12:16couple of rivets here and a very small
12:19little fastener here and here and you
12:22can see it pulls it title in a little
12:24bit right there where it
12:26pushes in you guys think a little bit
12:29what kind of a fastener would be really
12:32small like that and fastened into a
12:36light brown colored material on the
12:39backside what do you think about that a
12:41little bit so this shot is from Apollo
12:4417 and the IV number on this one in the
12:48Apollo archives is a s 17 – 149 – 22 859
12:55and interesting so you have to have a
12:59look at the the gaps on the paddling
13:01here and then the huge buckle going on
13:05right here something going on here and
13:09so and not sure if this is a window or a
13:14light or something like that but you can
13:17see how it fits it fits here it seems to
13:20fit nice and then it seems to lift off
13:24of the panel here there’s a shadow you
13:26see that what I really want to show you
13:28in this picture what kind of got me
13:32curious I have a look at the foil that’s
13:38underneath the machine here okay
13:41so Apollo 17 you’ve got to so here’s
13:46that rocket the exhaust thruster bail
13:50whatever we would call that and right
13:53beside it you’ve got this foil see all
13:58the spoil here now check this out as it
14:03takes off to mount up with the other
14:05machine that’s still in orbit allegedly
14:09as if you guys could probably tell
14:11already by now that puppy and I’ll tell
14:15you guys right out this this whole thing
14:17is in my opinion one giant hoax it’s
14:22probably one of the greatest hoaxes ever
14:27pulled on mankind and I would say the
14:30biggest would be the lie about evolution
14:35the lie about there is no god this this
14:39thing is just a
14:40to launch watch this little video here I
14:42didn’t get I just actually grabbed this
14:44off of YouTube and you notice that the
14:56the extreme blast that that rocket makes
15:00as it takes off so we’ll play it again
15:10so I have a question for you guys the
15:13question is how is this foil still
15:18attached to the bottom of the machine
15:21when you get such an extreme blast right
15:25next to this foil well how is that even
15:29okay so back to this picture here and
15:31you remember here’s where we started
15:34with the ladder and stuff and so back to
15:37this picture you tell me guys I got a
15:39question for you now a little bit of a
15:41little bit of foil a little bit of foil
15:45up here and doing some patching or
15:47something but here’s the question guys
15:50tell me do you see cardboard do you guys
15:55see cardboard you guys see cardboard
15:59directly in front of the guy in a
16:02picture do you see do you see do but
16:06when I look at this man I I just I just
16:09seemed like after after all the stuff
16:11that I’ve shown you guys about this
16:13machine don’t you think it’s possible
16:16that this is actually cardboard that’s
16:19what it looks like to me obviously I
16:20can’t confirm that but that’s that’s
16:24kind of what I get out of that when he
16:26does go up down the ladder I do have to
16:28add though I guess he does to have the
16:30handles to hold on to here to help guide
16:34him onto the ladder with with all the
16:39tape and foil and think about how they
16:43teach our little kids about evolution in
16:46schools teaching our little kids that
16:48there is no God how many people die
16:49every day having to find out the hard