Via the inimitable Robert Morrow
Folks, we are sending out a very special email today that is attached with a PDF file of the extremely rare and hard to find book Dallas Did It by coauthors Madeleine Brown and Constance Kritzberg. Only 100 copies were made when this book was published in manuscript form in 1996.
I consider Madeleine Brown to be the #1 witness for truth in the JFK assassination: Lyndon Johnson told her on 12/31/63 at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX that Texas Oil men and “fucking renegade intelligence bastards” were behind the JFK assassination. LBJ is absolutely confirmed by press reports and his presidential daily schedule as being at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX late into the evening on New Year’s Eve 12/31/63.
No, I am not a believer in the supposed 12/21/63 “Murchison Party” which Madeleine says she attended, but everything else Madeleine has said about Lyndon Johnson and her relationship with him has checked out. Yes, absolutely LBJ was threatening the Kennedys before the JFK assassination in a phone call with Madeleine on the morning of the JFK assassination. Johnson had called her from the Hotel Texas and told her that after today “those Irish mafia bastards will never embarrass me again. That is a promise and not a threat!”
I was provided this manuscript by the very helpful daughter-in-law of Madeleine Brown who married her son Jimmy Brown. Jimmy Brown was the older brother and half brother of Steven Mark Brown who Madeleine had with LBJ in 1950 and who lived until 1990 when he tragically died of cancer.
Please download this book and share it around as we lovingly remember the amazing legacy of Madeleine Duncan Brown. All the JFK researchers who knew her said she was a very sweet woman.