Fort Knoxxed Off Empty No Gold per Elon Musk pursuant to Global Financial Reset

Fort Knoxxed Off Empty No Gold per Elon Musk pursuant to Global Financial Reset

The theory that “there is no gold in Fort Knox” ties into broader concerns about financial secrecy, government control over money, and historical gold-related conspiracies. This idea is often linked to monetary policy, central banking, and deep-seated fears of oligarchic control over wealth. Let’s explore the key angles of this theory and its surrounding historical and allegorical elements:

1. The Fort Knox Gold Conspiracy

  • Fort Knox, officially the United States Bullion Depository, is supposed to hold a significant portion of the U.S. gold reserves.
  • Conspiracy theorists argue that the vaults are either empty or significantly understocked.
  • Key Concerns:
  • There has not been an official, independent audit of Fort Knox since 1953.
  • Some claim that gold was secretly removed and sold off to financial elites.
  • Others suggest that the gold has been swapped with fake tungsten bars.
  • The secrecy of Fort Knox, combined with the Federal Reserve’s lack of transparency, fuels speculation.

2. Bill Still’s ‘Secret of Oz’ Documentary

  • Bill Still’s “The Secret of Oz” argues that money should not be based on gold or silver but rather on debt-free fiat currency issued by the government (as opposed to being controlled by private central banks).
  • He critiques the gold standard as a tool used by bankers to create artificial scarcity, leading to economic depressions and greater control over the population.
  • The film ties into historical events where gold grabs were used to consolidate power.

3. The Federal Reserve & Its Role in the Gold Mystery

  • The Federal Reserve was established in 1913, giving a private banking cartel control over U.S. money supply.
  • The Fed does not belong to the U.S. government—it is a private institution that lends money to the government at interest.
  • In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt banned private gold ownership and confiscated gold via Executive Order 6102, forcing Americans to exchange gold for paper dollars.
  • In 1971, Nixon ended the gold standard, making the U.S. dollar a purely fiat currency (no longer backed by gold).
  • Some theorists argue that the U.S. had already been secretly running low on gold reserves, leading to the suspicious decision to abandon the gold standard.

4. Historical Gold Grabs in American History

  • 1830s: Andrew Jackson vs. Central Banking
  • Jackson dismantled the Second Bank of the United States, fearing it was a tool for foreign interests to control U.S. finances.
  • His presidency saw the first major “gold vs. paper” battle.
  • 1933: Roosevelt’s Gold Confiscation
  • FDR outlawed private gold ownership, forcing citizens to exchange gold for paper dollars.
  • Once collected, gold was revalued from $20.67 to $35 per ounce, effectively devaluing the dollar.
  • 1971: Nixon’s ‘Gold Shock’
  • Nixon cut the last tie between gold and the dollar, enabling unlimited money printing and leading to the petrodollar system.

5. Gold & Oligarchy – Who Really Benefits?

  • Theories suggest that wealthy elites have systematically controlled gold supplies to manipulate economies.
  • International bankers (like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans) are often accused of engineering economic crises by hoarding gold and forcing nations to borrow paper money.
  • Gold has traditionally represented real wealth, whereas fiat currency is debt-based and benefits bankers who collect interest on every dollar created.

6. Jefferson’s Warning About Central Banks

  • Thomas Jefferson opposed central banking, believing it would lead to tyranny.
  • He famously said:

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

  • Jefferson feared that private bankers would control the nation’s wealth, leading to debt slavery.

7. The Wizard of Oz as an Allegory for the Federal Reserve

  • Many believe L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz is a hidden monetary allegory.
  • Dorothy’s journey represents the gold standard debate of the late 19th century:
  • The Yellow Brick Road = the gold standard.
  • Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby in the movie) = bimetallism (gold & silver money system).
  • The Emerald City = fiat money (greenback dollars).
  • The Wizard = the U.S. President, appearing powerful but ultimately just a manipulator behind a curtain.
  • The Scarecrow = the American farmer, struggling under banker-controlled deflation.
  • The Tin Man = the industrial worker, dehumanized by factory labor.
  • The Cowardly Lion = William Jennings Bryan, who advocated for bimetallism but ultimately lacked the power to challenge the banking elite.
  • The allegory suggests that Americans were being tricked into thinking paper money had real value, just as the Wizard tricks Dorothy and her friends.

8. Is There Any Proof That Fort Knox Is Empty?

  • There is no conclusive proof, but:
  • The last official audit (1953) was brief and not thorough.
  • Rumors persist that the gold has been moved, leased out, or replaced.
  • In 2012, Ron Paul pushed for an audit of Fort Knox and the Federal Reserve’s gold reserves, but the effort was blocked.

9. What If Fort Knox Really Is Empty?

If the U.S. has little to no gold in Fort Knox, it means:

  • The dollar’s real backing may be artificial (relying on military power and the petrodollar system).
  • The Federal Reserve and central banks might be running a massive deception.
  • The U.S. economy may be far more fragile than publicly acknowledged.

Final Thoughts

  • Whether or not Fort Knox is empty, the larger conspiracy theories about gold and central banking reflect long-standing concerns about financial secrecy, elite control, and economic manipulation.
  • The Wizard of Oz, Jefferson’s warnings, and historical gold confiscations all highlight a recurring theme: those in power often manipulate money to control the masses.
  • If the Fort Knox theory is true, it would mean that Americans have been living under a monetary illusion for decades.


Fort Knoxxed Off Empty No Gold per Elon Musk pursuant to Global Financial Reset

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