Why Oliver Stone modified the Storm Drain
Examining Trump’s 2025 release of JFK documents. It’s really just Made Things Worse. Big Shock!
Oliver Stone had modified the storm drain that sits at the base of the stairs leading up the Grassy Knoll; the storm drain was made smaller as many other aspects of Dealey Plaza were changed for dramatic / cinematic effect. (Or, perhaps O.S. was ‘doing his part’ to help obfuscate Truth and kick final revelation of this Big Lie further downfield? O.S. was Not some magical get-it-done man; rather, O.S. was Their guy, Their decepticon, Their stooge and tool, Total Limited Hangout.) This harmed future generations of important evidence, namely that a man could fit inside the drain, hidden from all view, and make the Perfect Head Shot, then escape down the drain pipe, unseen, to the Trinity River. It is interesting fact the Dallas Police report of “a man carrying a rifle walking near Trinity River” 20 minutes after the shooting. CONSPIRACY FIRST is a COMpnay that gets most quickly to the point because it presumes Conspiracy First rather than wasting time and energy trying to ‘get there’. When Conspiracy is presumed First, EVERYTHING ELSE MAKES PERFECT SENSE, LOGICALLY, QUICKLY. Or, you can continue wasting your precious lifetime on timesuck.
Trump Biden Fauci Newsom Pelosi and half the SCOTUS all deeply Jesuit trained, Vati funded tools of the same beast. You will never find Truth without understanding the deception and control of EVERY angle.
Bush Sr. was still alive in 2017 so they pushed it back.
If we focus on the wounds to the body, we can see that they were shots fired from the front, thr who did it is irrelevant , the latest documentary “what the Dallas doctor saw” was made during the 50th anniversary but withheld from the public for 10 years and released on the 60th anniversary. You will find that every doctor stated the same thing 60 years ago that the wounds to the body occurred from bullets shot in front of him, not behind, the best evidence will always be the wounds to the body like in any homicide.
Rep Leo Ryan threatened to pass law requiring all killings sanctioned by CIA to be reviewed by closed-door panel. Then Ryan went to Jonestown to save anyone who wanted to escape Jim Jones. Then Ryan was shot in the neck, on video. Basically, another head-shot, but this one silencing the yap. Messages and Morals in everything.