Behind Beneath Beyond “One World” Globalism

Behind Beneath Beyond “One World” Globalism

UN/UNESCO: ‘Educated people are less sustainable than poor people’ – from page 12 of a document on – rationalizations for mass stupefication or elimination: Stupid or dead. Which one are you, in their utopia?

Examination of United Nations (UN) writings exposes Luciferian core; consequently, its ruthlessly-sought “globalism” serves whose interests? “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair.

Is there some ethereal “evil” hatefully acting out through soulless servants? Or maybe it is humanity’s increasingly apparent, insurmountable bondage to Earth, reflexively overdemanding a minimization of humankind to “ensure preservation” mainly for a select few “worthy” genetic downlines. Ultimately, what’s the difference?

As ever, it comes down to the “Haves” versus the “Haves-Not”. Meanwhile, every living human could fit inside the relatively tiny state of Texas (however uncomfortably) in his and her own townhouse. It has only the been the preposterously pollutive greed of a relatively few psychopaths who cavalierly consume, destroy, deny progress, and use governments, corporations, occulted armed forces [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], and other unaccountable and untouchable institutions to hold humanity hostage for profitable, covert slow-killing or manipulation into ritualized mass-murder (war). If some culling shall be, let it begin with the largest, worst and most brazen wrong-doers leading the way.

Will you lay down and let them take your here, now, and ever-after? They’re counting on it. They’re doing everything possible to ensure it. And, in some way or another, you may be working for its anti-human goals on a daily basis. Ignore the warnings and ever-mounting evidence at great peril.

American History from another angle

The Vatican’s Role In The New World Order, Bill Hughes

Roman Empire rules today, Jesuits and Black Pope presentation, Dave Cleveland

Push for Unity, Walter Veith and A New World Order, Walter Veith

Johnny Cirucci’s revelatory youtubes

Look to your roots. Don’t give up what others were prepared to die for.

Does a global agenda truly serve your best interests?

Behind Beneath Beyond "One World" Globalism - Satan clutching the world

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