Legacy Mass Media is 100% Zionic overwhelmingly controlled by Jews – Proof by collated public sources

Legacy Mass Media is 100% Zionic overwhelmingly controlled by Jews – Proof by collated public sources

z0g.org — shows who owns and controls what

It is okay to write “Jews”.  There is nothing anti semitic about the truth.

An Objective Analysis of TheZog.WordPress.com

TheZog.WordPress.com is a website that compiles lists of individuals in various industries, particularly media, politics, finance, and entertainment, identifying their ethnic and religious backgrounds. The site presents information about these individuals, often with accompanying images and career details, in an effort to establish patterns of representation in key societal sectors.

Content and Structure

The site is structured around categories that highlight positions of influence in American institutions. It includes:

  • Lists of individuals in government, corporations, intelligence agencies, and major media outlets.
  • Photographs and descriptions detailing roles and affiliations.
  • Links to sources that support the site’s assertions.


The website uses publicly available data to categorize individuals based on their background. The selection criteria appear to focus on individuals in executive, ownership, or leadership positions. The data is presented in an extensive list format, often accompanied by images to reinforce the claims made.

Patterns and Observations

  • The site suggests a concentration of individuals from a specific background in high-ranking positions across multiple industries.
  • It highlights interconnections between different fields, particularly in government, finance, and media.
  • The information is presented with an emphasis on listing names and affiliations rather than providing broader statistical comparisons.

Critical Considerations

  • The site does not provide comparative demographic statistics to contextualize its findings within the larger population.
  • The inclusion criteria for individuals listed are not fully explained, leaving some ambiguity regarding how data is selected and categorized.
  • The website lacks independent editorial oversight or peer review, making its conclusions a subject of scrutiny.


TheZog.WordPress.com is a data-driven website that compiles publicly available information to establish patterns of representation in positions of influence. The methodology centers on categorization and listing rather than statistical analysis. The data it presents raises questions about representation in various sectors, but the absence of broader comparative analysis means that its conclusions should be examined in a wider context. Any interpretation of the site’s claims should consider objective statistical data, historical context, and alternative perspectives.

Legacy Mass Media is 100% Zionic overwhelmingly controlled by Jews - Proof by collated public sources

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