TESLA Microwave Oven? DNA Destruction Whilst Sitting In Stationary TESLA

TESLA Microwave Oven? DNA Destruction Whilst Sitting In Stationary TESLA

Dr Devra Davis has revealed that microwave radiation splits and destroys DNA, causing all kinds of chemical upheaval and potentially cancer. Dr Magda Havas has confirmed this, and more.

TriField RF Radiation Meter reveals microwave radiation inside stationary / sitting-still TESLA (“not even on”) higer than that measured near a cell tower. Your Exposure May Vary.

TESLA Microwave Oven?  DNA Destruction Whilst Sitting In Stationary TESLA

Not hard to understand when nearly everything inside the vehicle uses wifi and bluetooth to communicate — fewer wires, less wiring. Per the apparent depopulation agenda underway, TESLA fits right in.



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