Trump Shoahting Another step closer to Kamalah + Oprah or Kamalah + (Michelle) Obama Ticket
I told friends that I felt Trump or Biden ‘would be shot before 7 Aug’. Sometime soon, along that predictive line, Biden will topple over and not get up, perhaps for three days. Notice gematria 7 Aug is 78 – this recurs elsewhere, everywhere.
Interpretations of the Bible’s Revelation scripture identify the Anti-Christ has its right-eye dim or out and suffers an head wound which puts it down for three days followed by miraculous re-animation / recovery.
Will Trump and Biden both go down? …sweeping Kamalah into the void, perhaps accompanied by Oprah or Michelle (Michael?) Obama.
Maybe Trump will “discover” that Biden has actually been a traitor and authorize his elimination, then pardon himself.
Predictions, predictions. See the gematrical wonders of Zachary K Hubbard.
“Controlling the nearest rooftops is the basis of security in a situation like this, the secret service has shown blatant incompetence. Or it was intended to be.”
“If some spectators got hit, where?? If you look behind where Trump is standing, everyone is not panicking.” [[Also as we know from JFK Zapruder infamy, head-shots by high-powered rifles cause a cloud of fine blood-mist; one claimed nearby eyewitness (middle-aged white man, red hat; not seen in footage showing the calamity) is totally devoid of blood mist or even spatter. Another claimed eyewitness (young black man) has blood splotches on his white shirt but no fine mist or spray.]]
“Biden: “Look, there’s no place in America for this kind of violence.” Also Biden: “It’s time to put a bullseye on Trump.””
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