Trump Shoahting Crooks Bullet Casings Magically Leapt From 5 To 8

Trump Shoahting INDEX SUMMARY

Trump Shoahting Crooks Bullet Casings Magically Leapt From 5 To 8

The Butler Gymnasium across Whitestown Rd (300 yards behind Crooks) has a second floor window which is in the same line of sight as Crooks (but with a different elevation) and said gym was presumably closed that day.
Shots 1 to 3 are more like shot 9
Shots 4 to 8 could be those from those five shell casings found on the roof where Crooks was (before the count of shell casings found afterwards magically went up to eight)
And so shots 1 to 3 from gym (?)
Shot 9 from SS sniper but not from building 14 rather from an area on the southern side of the crowd (?).
Shots 4 to 8 from Crooks (?)

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