Suspecting Whitney Webb as Yet Another Controlled Opposition Mouthpiece

Suspecting Whitney Webb as Yet Another Controlled Opposition Mouthpiece

Her handlers made her out as a ‘geeky smartie’. Throngs of lugubrious fanboys relentlessly overflow video comments with drooling sycophantic droll. Her designed-to-be-charming slight handicap (of stuh .. uttering pretty noticeably in videos not too long ago) has magically vaporized into perfect speech — ‘an act’ all along?

More observations, tells, clues:

I’ve never seen Chris have such a goofy look of approval for an entire hour. Whitney Webb will do that to you. [[Because she is a purpose-built captivating CIA asset / geekfembot?]]

“Whitney Webb is polished, persistent, noble, and is arguably one of the most important open source, independent journalist of our time.” ….. …and she ‘came out of nowhere’, is oddly everywhere all at once, yet has no apparent means of support versus the time spent ‘doing good for humanity’ (meaning she is clearly funded, and ‘funded’ inherits agenda) — 100% hallmarks of Controlled Opposition, no? The lugubrious-commenting “fan-boy” club of sycophants is another HUGE tell.

Data is NOT “the new gold” [per the video description]. There is an overflow of Data. Data is more like sand.

She is truly amazing as are her two books “One Nation Under Blackmail, Volumes I & II.” Jay Dyer, James Corbett, Richard Grove and Ryan Cristian are a few more with incredible insight and vast knowledge. She and Richard Grove are excellent. [[Congrats on naming some of the CIA controlled opposition assets — all far too perfected, with no means of self-support, and therefore funded, and funded means agendaed. Joe Rogan is another one in the Muppeteers Club.]]

She’s distracting from the Money Power Allodial Rulers. “Pretend inferiority; promote their arrogance.” ~Sun Tzu, Art of War … It has ALWAYS been the Money Barons projecting their power onto their higher level subjects.

Hundreds upon hundreds of strikingly similar comments of evermore trite, shallow, lugubrious gushing — the absurd overabundance of clearly funded trolls hyping what must be yet another limited hangout.

WW looks more like a State Dept asset or CIA case officer.

Has anyone yet done a ‘deep dive’ into her background? I call fraud.

Suspecting Whitney Webb as Yet Another Controlled Opposition Mouthpiece

Look at the sycophantia overflow.

2 thoughts on “Suspecting Whitney Webb as Yet Another Controlled Opposition Mouthpiece”

  1. As a genuine scientist, when you encounter data that counters your theory (such as a recording in which all gunshots, different-sounding in other videos, suddenly all sound the same), you Must present it, consider it; otherwise, you are deceiving by omission. Deception by omission is an old Jesuitical technique. — TRUTH IS TRUTH

  2. That Peak Prosperity channel is ‘guesting’ her is another weird indicator of something awry. Peak Prosp has been doing an ongoing (and largely excellent) breakdown of the Trump Shoahting, but one fact bothers me: PP analyzes a video in which the 8 initial gunshots sound identical (except for differences in some of the inter-shot time-spacings), yet PP completes completely ignores this audibly obvious fact. Is PP the Controlled Opposition leading the ‘there must be multiple shooters’ counter-attack against the mainstream narrative?


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