zzaapp Classic DEW Victim 1991 Gulf War
The Truly Awful part about this picture is that nearly nobody actually realizes what caused this victim to boil and burn / cremate to ash from inside-out, and that is the horrible reality of microwave Directed Energy Weapons, publicized in 1983 by President Reagan as part of ‘Star Wars’ “Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)” but in fact existing long before then.
Classic evidence of Directed Energy Weaponry. Just like in a microwave oven (only the much higher-power military version), the water is super-spun by the microwaves, superheated into steam, boiling wet material from its inside-out. Flesh eventually turns to ash whilst the clothing remains untouched, hair unburned. This also explains all the odd pictures of the WW2 Dresden “firestorm” in which clearly any “fire” was secondary and the real killing was done by boiling via microwaves. The microwaves also superheat metals, causing aluminum to pool and run like lava. Any combustibles touch or too-near the metals may ignite, the heated metails acting as the “fuel” or heat-source. This explains the many molten wheels and “toasted” vehicles seen in the ever-increasing (and man-made) “wild fires”. Yes, it’s come full-circle, far beyond the belief of soldiers and far beyond comprehension of most civilians…but, not all.