Hardy Boys Figured Out HAVANA SYNDROME In Feb 1978 …and explained it in 3 sentences

Hardy Boys Figured Out HAVANA SYNDROME In Feb 1978

Baltimore Key Bridge Energy Weapon Conspiracy Explains All Anomalies 90+ Parts

Baltimore Key Bridge Energy Weapon Conspiracy Explains All Anomalies 80+ parts.

Road Rage – Beyond outrageous: Surprise armed assault and theft by unidentifying plainclothes cop – Or, why to not have your bike helmet music blasting and pay attention to surroundings even while stopped

Surprise armed assault and theft by unidentifying plainclothes cop

The 2030 Timeline, Antichrist due by summer 2026 — Overview of Freemasonry, secret societies w/ Fritz Springmeier, Joshua Abraham – Sage of Quay

2030 Timeline, Antichrist due by summer 2026

Eclipse Occult summary for 8 Apr 2024 eclipse including pop culture, music references, psyence, Satanica, eclipse, alignment, red heffers sacrifice, and endless intrigue

Eclipse Occult summary for 8 Apr 2024

Dr Ning Li, Redstone Arsenal researcher — The disappearance of America’s leading anti-gravity researcher

Dr Ning Li, Redstone Arsenal researcher — The disappearance of America’s leading anti-gravity researcher

More Meddling of Measurement — Meter, Kilogram, Second being “relativised” by NIST/NBS — Also: The Legacy of Precision: Exploring the History and Importance of Starrett Manufacturing Company

More Meddling of Measurement

2 blocks east of WTC, Bad Vibes precede Mall Fall – $1B newest mall in NYC (10yo) going down in runaway robbery flames

Bad Vibes precede Mall Fall

“Blogging is not what it used to be 2024” even a few years ago — Here is the rarest original, most succinct, and yet unlikeliest to be parrotted theory as to who, how and why

Blogging is not what it used to be

Tartarystan — Jon Levi reconsiders the seven Central Asian -stans as Tartary obliterated

seven Central Asian -stans as Tartary

Leapfrogging Case for The Great Reset and The Real Old Worlds

Leapfrogging Case for The Great Reset

Zoom into Horizon – What actually appears

Zoom into Horizon – What actually appears

More Under Malta – ADVANCED PRE-FLOOD civilization FOUND Underground in Malta, Paul Cook

More Under Malta

Auto-Ticketing — More Lies – “Car Safety Standards” — Peggy Hall


What can DEW this kind of damage? Normal, open-air fire does not melt steel, that takes a blast furnace – Why farming equipment, (1200+) food production sites spontaneously combusting?

What can DEW this kind of damage?

“Green” Hoax — “Green” Farce — “Green” Trick — Cheap Products Made Worse On Purpose, To Fail Sooner — The Lightbulb Conspiracy 2024 – Phoebus cartel (still exists) limited lifetime, caused incompatibilities, designed to fail — Planned Obsolescence

The Lightbulb Conspiracy

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot, Digital-IDs, CBDCs, end of autonomy, privacy, life

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot