007 JAMES BOND TRANNY of all the billions of Women
007 JAMES BOND TRANNY of all the billions of Women
Blinding Science Predictive Programming and the Tavistock Institute
Blinding Science Predictive Programming and the Tavistock Institute
Underground complexes as Escape from DEW
Underground complexes as Escape from DEW – Imagine Energy Weapons as an eons-old technology, used long ago against humans. Imagine how escaping that assault (if not outright horror) would provide ample drive for the massive effort to dig out caves for survival.
Baltimore Key Bridge #106 – Doppleganger of Sunshine Skyway Bridge another DEW attack featuring identical anomalies
Baltimore Key Bridge #106 – Doppleganger of Sunshine Skyway Bridge another DEW attack
Bent Diversity Gender Trois Androgyny Satanification Depopulation via Fashion Vogue Massmedia Music and Mind control
Bent Diversity Gender Trois Androgyny Satanification Depopulation via Fashion Vogue Massmedia Music and Mind control Diabolical designs to deliberately dumb-down and depopulate? An education, on education, gender manipulation, mind-control.
Jesuit Fourth Vow denial vs control over Raytheon DEW and set world aflame motto and wildphyres galore
Jesuit Fourth Vow denial vs control over Raytheon DEW and set world aflame motto and wildphyres galore
Perfect Example of a CONSPIRACY THEORY – Ehrlich Gay Frog Water
Perfect Example of a CONSPIRACY THEORY – Ehrlich Gay Frog Water