“The sign-language for “retard” and “democrat” are nearly the same” — Many lies of Obamacare


The many lies of Obamacare

  • Supreme Court ruled that the penalty for not having insurance was a tax.
  • Insurance premiums went up instead of down.
  • Plan had change. Doctors had to change.
  • Insurance was canceled due to pre-existing conditions.
  • Cheapest replacement was $1,200 / mo w/ $6k deductible.
  • — “I voted that shit, and it did nothing but hurt me and my family.”
  • Avg family would save $1500 year. Keep plan. Keep doctor.
  • Insurance cost was $185/mo w/ $1k deductible for family of 5.

People like this, the 2-time bone-cancer survivor — voters, a little overweight, older, sickly / cancerous — it’s unfortunate but they are ‘in need’ and therefore the perfect fools to get tooled by the predatory government that is no longer (and probably never really was) ‘for the people’. Pain is a wonderful motivator, and he looks deeply hurt.

Many lies of Obamacare - democrat similar to retard sign-language.

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