Baltimore Key Bridge #81 – A Conspiracy-First Look at Similar Evidence of DEW Attacks in Baltimore, Houston, Lahaina, New York

“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies (including massive, five-storys tall fireballs in both original night-time videos) totally inexplicable (and wholly ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The DALI ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, owned, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”

Part #91 adapted from a video comment

Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary

A Conspiracy-First Look at Similar Evidence of DEW Attacks in Baltimore, Houston, Lahaina, New York

Conspiracy-First Look at Similar Evidence of DEW

ABOVE: Steel cracks and shatters, not bends unless melted. Last I checked wind does not melt steel. That spaghetti-steel tower that held for decades looks wilted as if it had been superheated by blowtorch.

BELOW: It actually looks much like many of the girders in Baltimore FSK bridge…whose heat-wilted inner girders drooped like wet spaghetti. The smaller, thinner cross-member girders are not load-bearing but are instead present solely to add multi-axis rigidity to the structure (so it doesn’t twist). If the only load on the inner cross-members was gravity, how could they suddenly wilt? The larger trusswork is unbent, undamaged, non-loading, so there was no force imparted into the inner cross-member girders from the superstructure members.

What if Directed Energy Weapons had caused superheating and the smaller, thinner inner cross-members simply melted first, then naturally wilted under force of gravity? Such seems to perfectly explain all evidence.

BELOW: The wilted steel girders look like the wilted steel all over Lahaina. Similar if not identical warped, wilted wet-spaghetti effect magically imparted unto otherwise rigid structural steel! Since fire does not melt steel, additional energy must have been supplied. What can supply enough energy to melt steel? (1) a Blast Furnace and (2) Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: My favorite are the melted-into-drooping-wet-noodles that hardly anybody seemed to notice. For 47 years before this picture, those drooping girders held up half the entire bridge truss and all rush-hour traffic jams and withstood all storms, winds and other forces of nature. But in a moment, poof, noodled! What can supply enough energy to melt steel? (1) a Blast Furnace and (2) Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: And the 180-degree tight-radius / nearly folded-back-over bends without any cracking. The missing nuts/bolts also weird. And the thick, multi-wound support cables…all those twists of wire, splayed out by some unimaginable force…

BELOW: Weird splaying also happened to the elevator motors atop WTC on 911. All the heat-resistant wire insulation gone, and that ‘insta-rust’, like the entire thing casing and all had somehow become blowtorch-hot…the motor itself is tilted, jilted, as if its core beam also melted, wilted, distorted. Other elevator motors at WTC fared much worse.

Similar evidence suggests similar cause.

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