Baltimore Key Bridge #81 – A Conspiracy-First Look at Similar Evidence of DEW Attacks in Baltimore, Houston, Lahaina, New York

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A Conspiracy-First Look at Similar Evidence of DEW Attacks in Baltimore, Houston, Lahaina, New York

Conspiracy-First Look at Similar Evidence of DEW

ABOVE: Steel cracks and shatters, not bends unless melted. Last I checked wind does not melt steel. That spaghetti-steel tower that held for decades looks wilted as if it had been superheated by blowtorch.

BELOW: It actually looks much like many of the girders in Baltimore FSK bridge…whose heat-wilted inner girders drooped like wet spaghetti. The smaller, thinner cross-member girders are not load-bearing but are instead present solely to add multi-axis rigidity to the structure (so it doesn’t twist). If the only load on the inner cross-members was gravity, how could they suddenly wilt? The larger trusswork is unbent, undamaged, non-loading, so there was no force imparted into the inner cross-member girders from the superstructure members.

What if Directed Energy Weapons had caused superheating and the smaller, thinner inner cross-members simply melted first, then naturally wilted under force of gravity? Such seems to perfectly explain all evidence.

BELOW: The wilted steel girders look like the wilted steel all over Lahaina. Similar if not identical warped, wilted wet-spaghetti effect magically imparted unto otherwise rigid structural steel! Since fire does not melt steel, additional energy must have been supplied. What can supply enough energy to melt steel? (1) a Blast Furnace and (2) Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: My favorite are the melted-into-drooping-wet-noodles that hardly anybody seemed to notice. For 47 years before this picture, those drooping girders held up half the entire bridge truss and all rush-hour traffic jams and withstood all storms, winds and other forces of nature. But in a moment, poof, noodled! What can supply enough energy to melt steel? (1) a Blast Furnace and (2) Directed Energy Weapons.

BELOW: And the 180-degree tight-radius / nearly folded-back-over bends without any cracking. The missing nuts/bolts also weird. And the thick, multi-wound support cables…all those twists of wire, splayed out by some unimaginable force…

BELOW: Weird splaying also happened to the elevator motors atop WTC on 911. All the heat-resistant wire insulation gone, and that ‘insta-rust’, like the entire thing casing and all had somehow become blowtorch-hot…the motor itself is tilted, jilted, as if its core beam also melted, wilted, distorted. Other elevator motors at WTC fared much worse.

Similar evidence suggests similar cause.

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