8 or more Cops Home-Invaded Attacked and Shot at Man Without Warrant or Cause
“All we did was sneak up and smash his door in unannounced [and toss in a flash-bang grenade and then we all started shooting at each other]!! The audacity! This is why we need gun control!”
So no search warrant, no arrest warrant, and a no knock entry, it sounds pretty legit, now the cover up.
They were all felons the moment they entered the property armed without a warrant.
This was an attempted gun-grab, not a wellness check.
“If more cops got shot [by each other, like in this case, whilst] doing stupid shit, maybe they would learn not to do stupid shit.”
“This [homeowner] is not wanted for anything. He’s not charged with anything. There’s no Search Warrant. There’s no court order.”
“Not one [announcement or] warning. Just a bunch of masked, armed thugs breaking into someone’s home” and tossing in a flash-bang grenade.
“This [pig] did a mag-dump with [another pig directly] in front of him.” 3:35
“So the [pig who illegally entered the house home-invasion style] never got shot, but the [pig] outside the house [where fellow pigs were mag-dump] firing like maniacs got shot. Nowhere in the [Zionic press] article does it say that the [homeowner] actually shot [any pigs or was even armed].” 5:00
Not one announcement of “Police”. They literally just snuck up, full SWAT style, bashed his door in and tossed in a flash-bang grenade. This was some sort of kill-team raid. Or, it is another fake-news creation of invented gun drama; notice the supposedly shot pig gets up and walks away after being dragged a few feet.

Too bad more of the deserving were not put down…by each other’s shots-fired!
Who knows. Maybe the person who presumably called in for help with ‘welfare check’ embellished and/or answered affirmatively to the pre-raid, er, welfare-check likely probing questions which, no doubt, included, “do you know if there are any firearms in the house?”
Think twice before requesting police assistance or ‘welfare check’. They are armed, often stupid or worse, and usually willing and able to make situations incredibly awful.