The problem with YOLO
It’s literally just Them saying so, and the fact that nearly nobody can remember past lives; although, some do recall bits, feelings, memory snippets of having ‘been’ before.
Regarding Death and care of elder family
I think these are the toughest times, when caring for aging family approaching the turnover. To me it feels like everything is collapsing into each other…childhood, present, dreams, memories. It really hurts, but the one thing I’ve become certain of is the permanence of the soul life force. I like engineering / reasonable arguments; a ‘perfect’ Lord would design a system that produces no waste. Death is a step of recycling, I feel; it’s never the same, Death is also profound change, but the energy comes around again. It must; otherwise, there would be waste, and that would require tending. Perfect products and systems that I might conceive, design, build would outlast me forever. If we are even in-part ‘divine’, I imagine the perfection that must operate on every greater level. Just my .02…probably doesn’t with help the practicals but it has been my light spanning the tunnels.

YOLO means abdication of responsibility
People don’t like to hear that or (apparently) to contemplate it; I guess because it removes the modernly-foisted ‘escape hatch’ called YOLO (You Only Live Once…therefore Live It Up!), which kind of validates if not invites cavalierness in all things; it also shunts Glory and negates familial respect AKA Honor — all of which we suffer today. If the majority were to realize (I believe correctly so) that the shytti mess they allow and leave behind ‘this time around’ is what they’re coming back around into at some point…the evildoers who have used to their advantage would be scurrying in genuine fear. I keep wondering about the ‘life feeding upon life’ situation (whether called capitalism or socialism or some other -ism) that seems so prevalent is a sickness that has always been here afflicting us, or whether it was ‘brought in’ somehow, somewho…It’s a problem because I do not believe in aliens at all…maybe aliens to our realm, but not from ‘outer space’ or similar theorized nonsense.
Leave things better, not worse, because pretty soon you’ll be coming around again…and again.
Meanwhile, in the dark back rooms
Molestation, rampant. Lies. Cover-ups. Harm. Immorality. Leachery. Sickness.
But yet in Their teachings and writings, somehow, God’s Honest Absolute Truth?
LOL. Unlikely. In the extreme.

Consider —
The Vatican’s stance on the belief that souls live only once can be understood through various key documents and teachings of the Catholic Church.
The doctrine of “extra ecclesiam nulla salus” (no salvation outside the Church) is essential to understanding this concept. This teaching emphasizes that salvation is only attainable through Jesus Christ and the Church He founded. The Second Vatican Council and subsequent documents reinforce that the Church is the necessary means of salvation, highlighting the singular and unique life each soul has to achieve salvation through Christ.
Additionally, the heresies of Pelagianism and Gnosticism, which were condemned by the Church, illustrate the importance placed on the unique life of the soul. Pelagianism denied the necessity of divine grace for salvation, while Gnosticism proposed a belief in special knowledge for liberation from the material world. Both heresies were rejected in favor of the doctrine that each soul has one life and one opportunity to achieve salvation through faith and the grace of God.
For further details, you can refer to the Vatican documents such as “Lumen Gentium” and “Dominus Iesus” which delve deeper into these doctrines:
These documents provide a comprehensive understanding of the Catholic Church’s teachings on its claim of the singularity of the soul’s life and its path to salvation.
This is all mightily self-serving. It withers and depresses the many at the expense of the few.

No. The most sensible, genuine truth (apart from which no alternate is provable from within) is that this one reality is all a recycling wheel, of all things, all souls, all energies, all trash, refuse, ‘waste’; therefore, the shyt we leave behind inescapably soils us anew going forward in the ‘afterlife’ coming along right here. YOLO is yet another trick to harm the many and favor the few. Let that guide your glory and dissuade dishonor.