Reconsidering Chestnut Lodge in Rockville Maryland as DEW Phyre

Reconsidering Chestnut Lodge in Rockville Maryland as DEW Phyre

Meager evidence:

  • Grey / white “smoke” / dust.
  • Furiously intense fire, seemingly without adequate fuel.
  • Video shows bricks themselves, mortar between, and possibly embedded steel appeared to have been on-fire.
  • Top-down burn pattern, unusual for arson.
  • Large number (80) of fire-fighters unable to avert total destruction.
  • Immediately-adjacent trees, foliage completely untouched.
  • All glass gone from all windows, even those without nearby soot; note that many wooden frames remained yet without any glass!
  • Still missing from my evidence hoard is pictures of warped, wilted, insta-rusted steel support innards, explicable only by blast-furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.
  • Was on NROHP and yet in-the-way of profitable land development.

“The place is burning so furiously, it almost looks as if the bricks and internal metal are on-fire. Lately, after having learned about Dir Energy Weapons begin used in wildphyres and attacks on other structures, I’ve been re-examining some ‘curiously intense’ fires with a fresh viewpoint that maybe the metals themselves were being superheated (by the microwave weaponry) and used as the ‘accelerants’. I know, “way out there”, but maybe not when evidence is considered objectively. Warped and wilted steel girders / support beams inside would be tell-tale evidence. Seems strange that this (and many like it) seemed to begin burning from the top-down.”

See also

Reconsidering Chestnut Lodge in Rockville Maryland as DEW Phyre

Reconsidering Chestnut Lodge in Rockville Maryland as DEW Phyre

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