Educated People Less Sustainable per United Nations page 12
Behind, beneath, beyond the “One World” globalism lies Ultimate Evil
‘Educated people are less sustainable than poor people’ – United Nations, page 12 — Rationalizing your stupefication or elimination: Stupid or dead. Which one are you, in their utopia?
The blog post on presents a direct quote from a UN document stating that educated people are less sustainable. This is not an interpretation or claim but a documented statement from the UN itself.
The core idea in various UN reports is that higher levels of education correlate with increased resource consumption and environmental impact. This is because more educated individuals typically earn higher incomes, leading to greater consumption of energy, goods, and services. The UN explicitly acknowledges this dynamic, noting that populations with lower education levels tend to have smaller ecological footprints.
While UN documents also discuss education’s role in fostering sustainability, the factual statement remains: according to the UN’s own writings, educated individuals contribute more to environmental degradation due to higher consumption patterns. This aspect is often downplayed in mainstream discussions of sustainability but is a direct acknowledgment within official UN literature.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair.
Does a global agenda truly serve your best interests?
‘Educated people are less sustainable than poor people’ — UN / UNESCO page 12, on
“Two of the major issues in the international dialog on sustainability are population and resource consumption. Increases in population and resource use are thought to jeopardize a sustainable future, and education is linked both to fertility rate and resource consumption. Educating females reduces fertility rates and therefore population growth. By reducing fertility rates and the threat of overpopulation a country also facilitates progress toward sustainability. The opposite is true for the relationship between education and resource use. Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes. In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability.”
In fact, every living human on Earth could fit inside the state of Texas with over 1,000 square feet per person. It would be nowhere near optimal, pleasant, or lastingly feasible, but the fact highlights “overpopulation” as myth invented to support an insidiously anti-human agenda of mass disenfranchisement and depopulation. Texas is a tiny thumb-nail on the massive Earth.
The deeper problem causing pollution and fruitless resource consumption is unbridled, unaccountable greed, compounded by overcrowding. Persons do not destroy their own wells, poison their own crops, or lessen their own lot; huge, untouchable corporations and multi-nationals do that, because scarcity, sickness and depletion monetarily rewards their greed-driven, psychopathy called corporatism. Unnaturally cramming everyone together for physical and mental control guarantees future mass suffering.
Take-down of American Middle Class — Dr John Coleman, Committee of 300
Armed, educated, and having much to lose and therefore much to fight for. Explains how and why the manufacturing “engine” was targeted and “off-shored”, to undermine the strongest resistors to the New World Order, ostensibly easing subversion into globalism.
UN writings expose a Luciferian core – one researcher blows it open in one hour
Maybe you don’t believe or ‘don’t really care’, but The Inquisition, The Crusades, The Reformation, witch-hunts, the Dark Ages, and all the many other religio-military ritualized mass-murder initiatives prove it matters very little what you may care or believe. In battle, willful ignorance and denial is deadly, “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) Perhaps you might offer better explanation?