Jack Kruse on Decentralized Medicine but BEWARE this guy
I’m 20 minutes in and trying to figure why Kruse is talking about Ed Haslam’s research and Judyth Vary Bakers info and books but has not mentioned either of them once.
Kruse has not revealed anything not already known back then (2023) and even years before. Beware this guy.
If I had to guess I’d predict that Kruse is for changes to US Constitution, which would suit the agenda being pushed for “Constitutional Convention” which would allow total rewrite of the core document. That is NOT something wise. Beware this guy.
Ron Desantis in Florida is one of the 2 states that can forcibly detain and inject you, based on the declaration of the unelected health commissioner! This law was brought into being under Desantis, precisely when he was publicly pushing the opposite! Quoting Desantis as some kind of good person is a mark that Kruse is either an idiot or a snake part of the problem. Beware this guy.
Kruse is also pushing and promoting RFK like RFK is not himself totally owned, a total tool, a pawn of the Vatican, which is behind all the poisonings, Fauci, Trump, Biden, Nixon, Pelosi, Newsom, THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM ARE RELIGIOUS NUTTERS OR CONTROLLED BY RELIGIOUS NUTTERS.
El Salvador is a FLEA with NEAR ZERO power and could be crushed, ousted, put down tomorrow without much notice or effect at all, so this guy’s whole push and effort is really for nothing…like an experiment on a flea. His supposedly Health Freedom baloney (which IS important, VITAL even) is not going to amount to anything. Wondering why this is being fomented as some kind of reasonable ‘alternative’.
Suspiciously high number of comments about “I’m a this or that” — it DOES NOT VALIDATE YOU OR YOUR COMMENT AT ALL. Because it is not verifiable and just as likely as to be 100% total baloney. What matters are verifiable facts that anyone reading can check. Wondering why this [Kruse] person attracts (or foments) that kind and amount of nonsensical response…

My dad was a milk inspector for a major dairy company. His job was to inspect about 250 farms in the Tri-State region per month or so on a rotating basis. This included gathering samples from the milk tank, checking the health of cows and their calves, inspecting for adherence to sanitation protocols of the equipment, barns, and fields, and conferring with/advising the farmers. Many discussions about cows and farms and farmers were held at our dinner table. (I learned what mastitis was before I knew how babies were made, lol.) When I was between the ages of 10-12 or so, and over the course of 2-3 years, my dad had observed a slow, but steady trend of stillborn and/or deformed calves. He began to question the farmers and their vets and he found that the common denominator was that the cows had been given a new vaccine. Apparently, the cows themselves had shown no effects from the vaccine, but my dad had deduced that the effects showed up in their offspring. I don’t remember the name of the vaccine, I don’t even know what the final outcome was. I do know that my dad reported it to the appropriate authorities. I do remember that my dad was PISSED; my mother and we kids, horrified. But what I remember most was what he said to us, fork in hand, punctuating the air for emphasis: “Don’t EVER take a new vaccine or medication, “ he said, “unless and until it has been out long enough to observe its effect on the offspring.” “That would mean 5-10 years for animals,” he continued, “and 20-25 years for humans.” Fast forward over 50 years later when “safe and effective” COVID vaccines were rolled out under emergency-use-authorization his words popped to the forefront of my mind. So I knew from the outset that I would not be taking it, come hell or high water. But I simply could not believe how many folks were persuaded by the propaganda, how many pressured by their jobs, how many compelled by fear, (or the lure of a free donut), how many by the belief they were doing the right thing for humanity, and worst of all, how many called for the firing from jobs, the ostracization of, even the imprisonment of, their family, friends, and co-workers who chose not to take the COVID vaccine. Oddly enough, it seemed that the loudest voices came from the “my body, my choice” crowd. Alas, even now, they do not seem to see their hypocrisy or even their misguided self-righteousness. It is said that it is easier to fool a man than it is for him to admit he was fooled. It’s human nature, I guess. But in a time when we should be aligning together to save our collective asses, too many still seek to Save Face. I’m not even angry any more. Too many have died or have been injured for that. Just….How. Fucking. Sad.