Potomac Blackhawk Down Too smiley Zero tears supposed parents of supposed mil pilot as crisis acting liars

Potomac Blackhawk Down Too smiley Zero tears supposed parents of supposed mil pilot as crisis acting liars

That’s a question. They seem to exhibit Despicable Dupers Delight. Watch their paid performance and decide for yourself.


Official tale (comment posted to video) — Gary and Mary O’Hara, the parents of Staff Sgt. Ryan O’Hara, spoke to NBC News. Video via NBC. Staff Sgt. O’Hara, from metro Atlanta, was one of the three crew members of the Black Hawk helicopter involved in the crash last week. O’Hara had a wife and 1-year-old son.

Most of these comments [under this youtube video] appear to be from gaslighting bots etc because they claim teariness that simply is not there (and then they ‘thumbs-up’ each other’s false and/or fake comments). In reality the ‘parents’ in this video show many more smiles, and literally ZERO tears. Just like the Robbie Parker faek pretend crying ‘father’ in the Hoax that was all Sandy. Except for a few voices of sanity, youtube has made itself worthless for critical truth and honesty.

They are more smiley than tearful. More crisis acting liars?

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Too smiley Zero tears supposed parents of supposed mil pilot as crisis acting liars

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Potomac Blackhawk Down

See also

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