Some facts about Hitler you may not have heard before

Some facts about Hitler you may not have heard before

Enemy of bankster capitalism.

Dismantled the freemasonic lodges which the freemasons and the illuminati used for years to control Europe.

Banned pornography which had been rampent under the Weimar Republic.

An enemy of Bolshevism, invaded Russia in an attempt to destroy it.

Germany and Japan were enemies of world Government. They would not be absorbed into a world Government because of their fierce nationalism.

Enemy of the Zionists.

Six countries invaded Russia to destroy Bolshevism: Germany, Italy, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, 47000 Spanish volunteers. 2 divisions of Belgium soldiers (French speaking and Flemish speaking).

Germany had no aircraft carriers or landing barges to ‘Conquer the World’.

Quoting James Perloff  on Youtube –  ‘James Perloff Hitler vs. the Elite Cabal of International Bankers’

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