Ghey Fabercrombie

Ghey abercrombie mike jeffries

Ghey Fabercrombie – In a psychopathic system, of dog-eat-dog by-design, in which Money Matters Most, the truly psychopathic dogs sit atop, urinate, defecate upon and/or screw or even consume those below. This plain and simple ugly truth keeps proving itself out again and again. STOP ABIDING AND ABETTING THE SICKO PSYCHOS.

Thank Goodness many Vax Taking Vax Pushing Bully Influencers are Going Going Gone Along with the many so Stupidly Influenced

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Thank Goodness many Vax Taking Vax Pushing Bully Influencers are Going Going Gone Along with the many so Stupidly Influenced

Supposed Changes in Our Supposed Solar System


Supposed Changes in Our Supposed Solar System – Vatican Jesuits, in-charge of “higher education” for far too long, exist literally to “counter” the Protestant Reformation, basis of most of America. What if They have simply been lying (“countering”) all along, about Everything.