Auto-Ticketing — More Lies – “Car Safety Standards” — Peggy Hall


What can DEW this kind of damage? Normal, open-air fire does not melt steel, that takes a blast furnace – Why farming equipment, (1200+) food production sites spontaneously combusting?

What can DEW this kind of damage?

“Green” Hoax — “Green” Farce — “Green” Trick — Cheap Products Made Worse On Purpose, To Fail Sooner — The Lightbulb Conspiracy 2024 – Phoebus cartel (still exists) limited lifetime, caused incompatibilities, designed to fail — Planned Obsolescence

The Lightbulb Conspiracy

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot, Digital-IDs, CBDCs, end of autonomy, privacy, life

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot

Our Hijacked Timeline with Michelle Gibson

Our Hijacked Timeline