Baltimore Key Bridge #48 – Dashcam of “last ride across BFSKB” taken “a few hours before collapse” shows no potholes no workcrew on trussed or main span; google blocking street-view all dates

no potholes no workcrew on trussed or main span

Re-understanding Dr Anthony S Fauci

Re-understanding Dr Anthony S Fauci By 1987, it is claimed by some persons that significant advancements had been made in virology, including the “discovery” and characterization of many viruses, the development of vaccines (such as those for polio and smallpox), and the identification of viruses as causative agents of various diseases. Though no in-situ photographs … Read more

Warning: Control of Food Supply — Beef Cattle is Number-One Target — Tennessee Senator Frank S Niceley

Control of food supply, beef cattle main target

Cattle, beef, food — Total control of the food supply is sought by ruthless big-agriculture companies which are psychopathic by definition and by law (i.e., to maximize by every profitable means the financial return for shareholders). GPS tracking, vaccination, and more is for no benefit except to control.

Baltimore Key Bridge #68 – Classic psyop technique — Mind-control in Action, multiple perceptions of reality — They purposely “screwed up” the warning horn before the blast; some news recorded it, some news recorded nothing

Military mind-control psyop which feeds the propagandizing massmedia multiple versions of reality, to confuse viewers and get them infighting over whose personal experience is "real", when all are, but different on-purpose

Classic psyop technique to divide-and-conquer by causing infighting over personal experiences. Multiple “news” recorded the same event, apparently; however, the warning horn blasts are present in some news records, absent in others. Recognize the mental manipulations being employed by the military.

King Charles Bloody King — It’s all just right out in our faces now, for eyes that can see

king charles baphomet lake of fire

King Charles Bloody King – Bloody, fiery portrait includes Baphomet. More people have died or have been killed during the lifetime of King Charles than during the entire known human calamity, er condition, combined.

Richard D Hall

Richard D Hall

Richard D Hall — Richard D. Hall, the face behind RichPlanet TV, has long been a controversial figure in the realm of conspiracy theories and alternative media. Known for his documentaries covering a wide range of topics—from UFO sightings and government cover-ups to alternative theories about major historical events—Hall has garnered a dedicated following while simultaneously attracting significant criticism and scrutiny.

Baltimore Key Bridge #2 – Baltimore Key Bridge List of Oddities, Anomalies, Unlikelihoods, Weirdness, Stuff highly “sus”.

Baltimore Key Bridge List of Oddities — Incredible anomalies, unlikelihoods and weirdness galore permeates the mega-event explored in a 60+ part deeper delve unique on Earth.