Baltimore Key Bridge #74 – Many containers aboard DALI suffered amazingly radical tinfoil-like crumpling and insta-rusting; Image search shows nothing similar, ever

Crumpled like tin-foil — Most of the containers aboard DALI, most of their surfaces were never touched by anything. The damage appears to have been caused by some invisible force — because that is precisely what caused most of the damage, the amazingly “tinfoil-like” crumpling and insta-rusting.

Baltimore Key Bridge #72 – “Unified Command” Source for official photos, videos; Militarization; Crime families; Lincoln assassination Catholic conspirators hung

Unified Command

“Unified Command”, unprecedented, source for official photos and videos

Baltimore Key Bridge #69 – Answering the ‘Ostroffs’, deniers, decriers of “conspiracy” involving take-down of Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge

Blasting, er Answering Jeff Ostroff, denier and decrier of "conspiracy" involving take-down of Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge

Answering the ‘Ostroffs’ — A 70-part series analyzing all known anomalous aspects of the Francis Scott Key Bridge take-down from a DEW-first approach. Everything is explained this way; alternative theories, stories, explanations all prove inadequate to sensibly explain all evidence.

Baltimore Key Bridge #68 – Classic psyop technique — Mind-control in Action, multiple perceptions of reality — They purposely “screwed up” the warning horn before the blast; some news recorded it, some news recorded nothing

Military mind-control psyop which feeds the propagandizing massmedia multiple versions of reality, to confuse viewers and get them infighting over whose personal experience is "real", when all are, but different on-purpose

Classic psyop technique to divide-and-conquer by causing infighting over personal experiences. Multiple “news” recorded the same event, apparently; however, the warning horn blasts are present in some news records, absent in others. Recognize the mental manipulations being employed by the military.

Baltimore Key Bridge #66 – Was the South Pillar really just “stacked blocks”, made to be knocked-over in a mega-event?

Blasting, er Answering Jeff Ostroff, denier and decrier of "conspiracy" involving take-down of Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge

Massive clean-cut concrete of South Pillar having zero rebar indicates initial design-to-fail, no?

Baltimore Key Bridge #65 – Several more excellent examples of steel girders snapping without bending at all – apparently wilting, warping, bending and other distortions only happen at night in Baltimore

Steel girders apparently bend magically only at night in Baltimore at the Francis Scott Key Bridge; daytime reveals the same steel girders never bending but instead cracking and snapping without bending at all.

Baltimore Key Bridge #64 – Only in Baltimore does a smaller thing make a bigger, taller splash, more waves and noise!

Baltimore Key Bridge Splash – Anomalies abound in Baltimore! Somehow the entire bridge falling with water-displacing roadway made a smaller, silent splash (and no waves!) compared to fewer, lighter girders fallen from one-third height.

Baltimore Key Bridge #62 – DEWs, Dali, and Deathstar ties to Baltimore, Lahaina, Amarillo and other ’15-Minute-Smart-Cities-To-Be’ Land Grabs

’15-Minute-Smart-Cities-To-Be’ Land Grabs – DEWs, Dali, and Deathstar ties to Baltimore, Lahaina, Amarillo and others.

Hardy Boys Figured Out HAVANA SYNDROME In Feb 1978 …and explained it in 3 sentences

Hardy Boys Figured Out HAVANA SYNDROME In Feb 1978

2 blocks east of WTC, Bad Vibes precede Mall Fall – $1B newest mall in NYC (10yo) going down in runaway robbery flames

Exploring Runaway Retail Theft and the Closure of NYC Fulton Mall The retail landscape in major cities like New York City (NYC) is facing unprecedented challenges, with runaway retail theft emerging as a significant issue impacting businesses and communities. One notable example is the closure of NYC Fulton Mall, a historic shopping district that has … Read more

When Timer runs out — 32-bit timers causing another Y2K in Jan 2038

Another looming problem — The “Next Next Big Gotcha” occurs when 32-bit time/counters “roll-over” — causing another Y2K all over again — The rollover of 32-bit Unix time (Unix Epoch) will occur on Tuesday, January 19, 2038, at precisely 03:14:07 UTC. This event marks the maximum value that can be represented using a 32-bit signed … Read more

The “Next Big Gotcha” ?

The Next Big Gotcha — also another aspect Totally Unmentioned Online, and probably not yet realized —– The EFF (electronic frontier foundation) which has been giving away free SSL certifications (on short, 90-day leases, vs years-long or lifetime leases for considerably more costly commercial SSL certification services) will be surreptitiously used to reign-in and control … Read more

The Seven Salems Eclipse of 2017 — coinciding with Carbondale, OH of 2024 Apr Eclipse

The “Seven Salems Eclipse” refers to a total solar eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017. This eclipse was notable for its path of totality, which spanned across the United States from the west coast to the east coast, creating a coast-to-coast “path of darkness” for the first time in nearly a century. The eclipse … Read more

Leapfrogging Case for The Great Reset and The (Real) Old Worlds

“‘Better to make a quick buck off the Old World [artifacts]’ seems to be the thinking of the Inheritors.  Tear down glorious buildings to sell real estate.  Destroy trains for a ticket fare.  It’s not like it just happened once; this was a ‘thing’.” — Jon Levi If many old grand castles were melted (presumably … Read more