Baltimore Key Bridge #39 – Silencing misleaders who shriek, ‘there’s no such thing as directed energy weapons’

no such thing as directed energy weapons

DEW Gulf War 1 Highway of Death 1991

DEW Attack Highway of Death 1991 – “All those vehicles were being driven by a person, usually with others in the vehicle. All were insta-microwaved, insta-boiled from within. Just like at Dresden — all clothing and hair intact, but flesh charred. Gone within milliseconds by high-energy bursts. Paradise Cali and other places in US have same telltale evidence.”

Baltimore Key Bridge #5 – Expert mariner and other analyses – theories sans DEW all fail to logically explain all evidence

Expert mariner and other analyses

Baltimore Key Bridge #7 – North Pillar. Wilted Steel. Smoking Gun. Otherworldly evidence.

North Pillar

What founded really means — it means what we found after the mudflood – Coming to grips with the ‘thousand years’ that was added to our history…

What founded really means

Baltimore Key Bridge #12 – Censorship. Rumors. Confusion on-purpose. Hallmark of psyop.

Hallmark of psyop

Baltimore Key Bridge #15 – Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup. Plausible reason to rush.

Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup

Baltimore Key Bridge #19 – Chesapeake 1000 crane sat adjacent to Bay Bridge within 24 hours after Key Bridge event – Pre-readiness indicates Foreknowledge

Chesapeake 1000 crane

Baltimore Key Bridge #21 – DALI Previous Crash, Ownership.

DALI previous crash, ownership, details.

Baltimore Key Bridge #22 – Impossibly Warped and Wilted Structural Steel – What causes such crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional warping and distortions?

Impossibly warped and wilted structural steel exhibits hot-taffy-like, crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional distortions hallmark heating via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.

Breathing Limiter introduced as VR-sim — akin to Speed Limiter — can you connect their dots yet?

Can you connect their dots yet? One step beyond and

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot, Digital-IDs, CBDCs, end of autonomy, privacy, life

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot

“Green” Hoax — “Green” Farce — “Green” Trick — Cheap Products Made Worse On Purpose, To Fail Sooner — The Lightbulb Conspiracy 2024 – Phoebus cartel (still exists) limited lifetime, caused incompatibilities, designed to fail — Planned Obsolescence

The Lightbulb Conspiracy

What can DEW this kind of damage? Normal, open-air fire does not melt steel, that takes a blast furnace – Why farming equipment, (1200+) food production sites spontaneously combusting?

What can DEW this kind of damage?

When Timer runs out — 32-bit timers causing another Y2K in Jan 2038

Another looming problem — The “Next Next Big Gotcha” occurs when 32-bit time/counters “roll-over” — causing another Y2K all over again — The rollover of 32-bit Unix time (Unix Epoch) will occur on Tuesday, January 19, 2038, at precisely 03:14:07 UTC. This event marks the maximum value that can be represented using a 32-bit signed … Read more

The “Next Big Gotcha” ?

The Next Big Gotcha — also another aspect Totally Unmentioned Online, and probably not yet realized —– The EFF (electronic frontier foundation) which has been giving away free SSL certifications (on short, 90-day leases, vs years-long or lifetime leases for considerably more costly commercial SSL certification services) will be surreptitiously used to reign-in and control … Read more

The Seven Salems Eclipse of 2017 — coinciding with Carbondale, OH of 2024 Apr Eclipse

The “Seven Salems Eclipse” refers to a total solar eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017. This eclipse was notable for its path of totality, which spanned across the United States from the west coast to the east coast, creating a coast-to-coast “path of darkness” for the first time in nearly a century. The eclipse … Read more