Neil deGrasse Tyson is listed in IMDB as an Actor – Karma demands They must reveal Their Fraud – Tibees reveals his PhD thesis

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Neil deGrasse Tyson is listed in IMDB as an Actor – Karma demands They must reveal Their Fraud – Tibees reveals his PhD thesis – “It’s pretty clear that Neil deGrasse Tyson’s main contribution to science is not in his research but in his work as a communicator: His only ‘research work’ was his introduction to all the key workings of the subject.”

Fake Bones – Cunning, wily Vatican Jesuits behind, beneath forgery, fraud and hoax

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“Blogging is not what it used to be 2024” even a few years ago — Here is the rarest original, most succinct, and yet unlikeliest to be parrotted theory as to who, how and why

Hapless Timesuckee

Blogging is not what it used to be

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