Second Coming said to require Third Temple

Third Temple

Second Coming said to require Third Temple The Second Coming, according to many Christian eschatological interpretations, is often associated with the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, specifically on the Temple Mount. This site is historically significant as the location of the First and Second Temples of the Israelites. Why the Temple Matters? Challenges … Read more

1883 to 1990 is called LOST GENERATION aka The Inheritors aka Orphans aka Victims of Great Reset

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1883 to 1990 is called LOST GENERATION aka The Inheritors aka Orphans aka Victims of Great Reset

Thank Goodness many Vax Taking Vax Pushing Bully Influencers are Going Going Gone Along with the many so Stupidly Influenced

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Thank Goodness many Vax Taking Vax Pushing Bully Influencers are Going Going Gone Along with the many so Stupidly Influenced

Compilation of Trump Vaccine Quotes – Trump is ALSO the Devils Pawn – Do You Still Not Understand – HAVES-VS-HAVES-NOT – It is only Us-vs-Them and Has Never Been Otherwise

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Trump is ALSO the Devils Pawn and so is Biden, Pelosi, Newsome, Fauci – In a mostly Protestant country, half the Supreme Court is dangerously Vatican Catholic, the other half Zionic

Re-understanding Dr Anthony S Fauci

Re-understanding Dr Anthony S Fauci By 1987, it is claimed by some persons that significant advancements had been made in virology, including the “discovery” and characterization of many viruses, the development of vaccines (such as those for polio and smallpox), and the identification of viruses as causative agents of various diseases. Though no in-situ photographs … Read more

Jesuit Fourth Vow Blood Oath

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Jesuit Fourth Vow – Blood Oath – “BEWARE: Jesuits exist to “counter” the Protestant Reformation… Avoid the dire mislead that Protestant Reformation (and thus Jesuit intrigue) was settled long ago; we are embroiled in it every moment.”