Baltimore Key Bridge #89 – DALI starboard bow keel bulb possibly dented otherwise impossibly unscathed

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DALI starboard bow keel bulb possibly dented otherwise impossibly unscathed

Every mariner knows: You bump a boat up against a dock at even the slightest speed, or let the hull rub against a dock or piling even for a moment — BOOM SCRATCHES GALORE !

But here in DALI Anomaly-Land, there is what appears to be a serious dent in the starboard bow keel bulb and yet no scratches are visible at all. No dirt. Zero evidence of impact (excepting that single large dent) at all – that is exactly like a car, ramming into an immovable bridge pillar surrounded by hard-packed earth, and just having its metal fender dented in one single spot only, no scratches, no collateral damage at all. IM POSS IBLE. The starboard bow keel bulb is claimed to be The Part that first (and majorly) impacted both the shipping-channel cliff-edge and also uprooted / rammed at max-allowed-in-channel-speed dead-on into the very base of the South Pillar supporting half the entire gargantuan bridge weight. That little dent is far, far too small amount of damage. Doesn’t this also somewhat suggest CGI / video fakery? It’s like that little dent is there for-show.

And, if that keel bulb is solid steel, that’s nonetheless also a weird character of damage — you’d think that a solid massive solid-steel “missile” could have zero deep dents or outright gouges but instead mainly scratches and surface / impact abrasions.

And besides, aren’t the keel bulbs lead, soft lead? If that’s the case, there should be massively shredded shards and very obvious damage…extremely absent material.

But no; instead, it’s like that little dent is there for-show!

At any rate, the oddly unextreme amount of damage seems outrageously suspicious. Look at that otherwise nearly pristine keel bulb! Simply not believable.

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