“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies totally inexplicable (and ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, owned, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”
Part #91 adapted from a video comment
Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary
Baltimore Key Bridge #104 – Status January 2025
Critical Analysis of Video from WMAR-2 News uploaded to Youtube on 26 Dec 2024 —
0:26 mention of DALI “as it creeps closer and closer” plays like an attempt to rewrite history. DALI was obvious under power and adrift, and all records and recordings indicate it was plowing ahead at maximum allowable speed of 8 knots. That is very far from “creeping”.
0:31 First known public mention of 8 construction workers ‘resting in their trucks, taking a break’.
0:39 Assertion of ‘crew aboard DALI scrambling to regain control’ attempt to author history, as there has never been any directly-named identification of any DALI crew members. It is just as likely that there was nobody aboard and the DALI had been under remote control; in fact, its course-perfect strike into the support pillar, indistinguishable in all ways from a guided-torpedo attack, indicates everything but accident.
0:48 Fresh, never before heard audio on youtube (by our team, which you can see has been alertly scouring video and other sites) suddenly reveals the supposed initial (presumed) radio call by some unidentified members of “Maryland Transportation Authority Police take orders” (contrast: not giving orders, but taking them; directly countering what Maryland Governor Moore has since said during celebratory comments praising the MDTA) to ‘stop all traffic on the bridge’ followed by a mention of intention to, at some point, alert the work crew.
1:14 One officer advises another officer that ‘a ship lost its steering’ — the full explanation being known — amazingly! — authoritatively within 12 minutes after the event.
1:27 An absurd and never before reported / broadcast / heard claim that one of the two supposed surviving work-crew members, “one managed to run off the bridge right before it collapsed. Another fell into the river and managed to hold onto a piece of floating debris until he was rescued.” Note that in direct violation of OSHA requirements that a floating skiff be available on-site beneath bridge construction work, no such vessel has ever been publicly mentioned and in fact its apparent absence seems to be a factual tidbits in mentions of court case(s).
1:40 “Body camera footage shows first-responders pulling [the one river-rescued victim] onto a dock…” — HOWEVER SAID SURVIVOR HAS NO WET HAIR, NO WET SHIRT, NO WET BACK, NO WET PANTS, AND NO BLANKET — no nothing, including, apparently, no truth or validity at all.
1:46 Somewhat dirturbing to hear BCFD’s J. WALLACE explain how the entire response gang was “very much in … active search and rescue posture at this point” at 6:06 am. Also disturbing how quickly the gang had been assembled.
2:08 This may be the first time that all supposed victims are publicly named with authority with their supposed recent photographs. Two are named as being the “a truck beneath the wreckage” when in fact their (claimed) truck was found submerged 300 feet upstream of the wreckage — see #100 for details on this fiasco.
Some interesting video angles not seen before —
Notice the impossibly insta-rusted, warped, wilted steel girders, utterly inexplicable without involvement of DEW.
2:33 First mention we have heard about “50 thousand tons of concrete and steel” having been removed from the river.
Look at that warped and wilted structural steel, inexplicable without involvement of DEW. Same with the massive splayed-out mess of steel cables, requiring energy to have become splayed. We predicted this kind of debris would be found in earlier posts as it mimics the equally-incredibly splayed-out metal windings found on most of the recovered massive elevator motors from atop the WTC on 911.
3:06 in shows grappler dropping large trusswork onto barge. Two things:
- (A) Curiously, astonishingly, no footage like this had been released prior to now;
- (B) Steel girders make an awful noise but do not wilt or warp or otherwise deform except to slightly fracture and crack, notably under extremely unusual (for intended design) loading patterns. This is opposite of the lie that supposedly happened at initial collapse.
Notice that after the placed-charge detonations, the structural steel still never warps, wilts or bends but instead shatters and fractures and falls away in unyielding / unbending large chunks. The explosion helps prove that another kind of energy — DEW — was used and not explosives during the initial take-down event. Thise very closely recorded-from-multiple-angles showcase proved that 100% of the warping, wilting, bending distortions of the structural steel in fact took place during the DEW attack phase at the initial take-down.
Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)-emplaced, military-trained token cheerleader. Notice CNN had been (Totally Coinciduncely!) predictively-programming the underlying issue of DEI a few weeks before the BKB event — https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/09/us/what-is-dei-and-why-its-dividing-america/index.html
3:40 Payola. Promised. Confirmed. Acknowledged. Applauded. Hugged-out.
More previously unseen footage —
Hiding, removing evidence, escaping, getting away with it. In plain-sight.
Predictively-programming for the Next Big Bridge Take-Down Event, the necessary destruction and replacements of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (“necessary” because it is only one-foot taller clearance than the far-too-short (and consequently taken-down by DEW) Baltimore FSK Bridge). Mark these words, pretty soon the CBB will suffer some kind of awful fate necessitating its removal and replacement.
4:24 “DALI was not fit to sail that morning.”
Replacement bridge, exactly as we predicted — taller with wider footings to allow for much greater, faster shipping in the promised neo-Baltimore Mega Port.
Spooky dictation by a suspected mind-controlled suspected DEI emplacement, backed by joy-less, unsmiling (grim, even) order-abiders who uniformly appear to be zombified mouth-breathers and/or under duress. This should be a smiley, happy celebration of glorious victory and accomplishment; instead, it is painfully obviously not.
FROM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AeOA9djnmU
Structural steel. NOT WILTING. NOT WARPING. NOT BENDING. Despite being under extreme non-designed-for loading.
FROM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AeOA9djnmU
At lower-left of frame, notice never-before-shown-in-any-video “insta-rusted” bridge ledge damage! Insta-rusting is only accomplishable by high-heat such as that generated by the inter-molecular friction caused by eddy currents that are induced by Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) microwave blast.
Interesting comment / note about the main “expert” appearing in this video: “The bridge this guy designed in Copenhagen, is the worst bridge built in danish history. It’s a bicycle bridge, but designed with complete disregard for people on a bicycle. …Ian Firth, the talentless bridge designer from timestamp 01:54
Never forget, the rarely-allowed-to-be-shown multiple gashes thru the DALI hull, inexplicable except for DEW attack.
Never forget, the wet-spaghetti-noodle draped North Pillar. It is impossible to bend structural steel girders except for (1) a blast furnace; (2) DEW attack.
More predictive-programming for (our predicted) looming take-down of the one-foot-taller Chesapeake Bay Bridge — this footage appeared as the voice-over stated: “vulnerabilities”.
615,000 total bridges in USA, per NTSB.
Smaller-scale, also “fracture critical”. Interesting that the FSK Bridge melted and did not actually fracture at all. THEY even play with word games alongside their mind games.