Baltimore Key Bridge #100 – Exact moment when and where submerged vehicle located…is Not under the bridge!

“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies totally inexplicable (and ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, owned, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”

Part #91 adapted from a video comment

Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary

Baltimore Key Bridge #100 – Exact moment when and where submerged vehicle located

This video was posted 6 months ago (June 2024) by ABC7 News, but, despite my routinely scouring youtube for relevant videos, this video just now showed up in my feed censored by youtube. Censoring is akin to the phone company muting-out or disturbing or preventing calls concerning select topics, words, etc. If youtube censors, by law then it must be held accountable for materials it allows and controls. Everyone already knows youtube heavily censors and gets away with doing so with impunity; I’m just documenting yet another example. Maybe the ill-intenders that is youtube will one day face justice.

‘Officer McNulty’ (from seaons 2 episode 1) of THE WIRE does an excellent job in the dark [in this video!]. That episode, by the way, magically predicted part of the FSK bridge take-down calamity by showing a boat, stopped in the shipping lanes, due to electrical problems, right near the same (south) bridge pillar that was targeted in the FSK bridge take-down event. Much more about the many incredible anomalies in the [100]-part series on CONSPIRACY FIRST.

BELOW: 2:59:05 AM EST first radio call alerting to exact location of submerged vehicle (32:25 into video)

BELOW: At 31:07 into video the orange LED light-bar atop the service vehicle appear underwater, apparently just 10-feet or so underwater.

What’s disturbingly interesting is that you can see

  • (1) it’s not submerged all that deeply, maybe 10-feet under;
  • (2) it is not in the deep shipping channel under the bridge;
  • (3) in fact the submerged truck is nowhere near being under any part of the bridge!

While essentially floating over top of the submerged truck, the exact GPS coordinates reported by the officer (32:32 in): LAT:39’13.245″ and LON:76’31.485″ — precisely converted to google map URL:,-76.52475

It shows the truck submerged ~300 feet too far northwest of the lower northern span. This is about 15 trucks-length units (each truck-length unit as 20-feet) too far northwest. The officer’s boat might have been 10, 20 even 50 feet away…but not 300 feet away! That truck would have fallen straight down, with the rubble. They showed all the residue fell in-between the sets of pillars with almost none falling more than at most 50 feet astray of either side. Like with everything else about this phoney event, something is extremely fishy when examining this verifiable evidence carefully. Nothing matches up, and that’s usually indicative of lies.

The truck is heavy. The current is not so strong in that shallow area. The truck would have sunk straight-down like a big rock. It only dropped ~10 feet underwater at that shallow area. Therefore, it might appear that the person(s) staging the submerged truck sank it in a noticeably errorneous position! This would cross-correlate with the hauled-up / recovered truck being in essentially like-new condition still with the rubber orange road-construction cones in the rear bed!

BELOW: The truck was found hundreds of feet too far northwest of the bridge. The bridge and roadway fell straight down. The current was basically non-existent in this area. The truck should have also sunk straight down; instead, it appears to have been surreptitiously placed. There is just no other explanation for its location.

BELOW: The water is maybe only 15-feet deep in this area. The truck was sitting in a depth of water approximately equivalent to a swimming pool’s diving well.

BELOW: Slightly further toward land on the north span of the bridge, the water depth is maybe 8-feet as shown by this lightpost whose position also evidenced the fact that the roadway dropped straight down. The submerged truck could not possibly have been found where it was had it not been purposely placed in that location.

RE possibility that “crew” joined the ship immediately after event

At around 3:20 am (per the badgecam’s timecode) the DNR officer discovers a ladder had already been deployed starboard amidship. Any culprit or actor may have joined or left the vessel. Not suggesting such was done, nor that there was any benefit to doing so, just noting that it would have been possible to do so.

RE the loosey-goosey leadership-less nature of initial response

At around this time (the first time examining the starboard side of DALI) the DNR officer himself and a colleague both comment on the loosey-goosey and ‘leadership-less’ progress of the initial response and the need to “control the crime scene”, with discussions of simply doing so themselves. Local law enforcement seemed to already have had a top-down, hands-off, ‘we’re assisting only’ stance verified by DNR officer via radio calls.

RE Total lack of comms on VHF channel 16 from DALI

Radio silence from DALI the entire time. Near the very end of the recording, an hailing call seems to come through from DALI on VHF channel 16, but acknowledgment call did not result in any further comms.

The overall general feeling gleaned from this and other recordings is that maybe DALI had indeed been a ‘ghost ship’, possibly remote-controlled. EVERYONE seemed bewildered, confused. There does not seem to be anyone present and in-charge, either of the vessel itself nor of the response; instead, there seemed to have existed a sense of ‘stand-down’ against those who might otherwise have taken initiative.

RE claim of ‘DALI lost steering’

1:13:55 into video: “You can see if you look at the very back [stern]: The rudder is pointed — locked, it looks like it’s locked all the way, one way. ” ~ Andrew of DNR 333 rescue boat — however, the first and second views of rudder appear to show it (to my eyes and understanding) oriented in a straight-ahead position.

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