Did you know that 4 families have run California for over 80 years All interlinked by blood marriage law
The Ruled are Such Desperate Idiots
Interesting that this otherwise EXCELLENT video does not mention the governors are all deeply trained by the Jesuits of the Vatican in Rome (though it does mention GRUSOM was training to BE a Jesuit).
Jesuits literally exist to “counter” non-Catho heretics.
In a largely Protestant country it is probably unwise to have those who have sworn to “counter” the core religion being left ‘in-charge’ of “higher” education.
Half the SCOTUS is Zionic and the other half Catholic.
Action begins with belief.
If the results of bad actions have led to our present state, perhaps it’s time to also consider the religious basis as source for action, and if said belief is to run “counter” to what’s best for the non-Catholics who are somehow (and in innumerable ways) ‘targeted’ as heretical, then maybe that explains some or even Most of what is really gone wrong?

A long-dominant geriatric quartet from the San Francisco Bay Area – Gov. Jerry Brown, Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – has been slowly ceding power to younger political strivers.