Message to Trump We Can Crash Mil Copters or Sacrifice

Message to Trump We Can Crash Mil Copters or Sacrifice

Military “gold top” helicopter PAT25 PRIORITY AIR TRANSPORT for VIPs, etc.

CRJ5342 civilian aircraft, on perfect approach, right where he was supposed to be, by the numbers / RADAR etc.

Tower control audio recording shows everything perfectly fine. Notice total shock in background voices at moment of impact.

The military copter even radioed in to tower about visual contact with CRJ, that he would maintain distance by eyesight.

The collision is absolutely inexplicable according to the RADAR, eyewitness and audio comms. Therefore, could it be a message to Trump (since there are No CoinciDUNCES), who made an extremely early-on public comment about God blessing the souls of those involved? Is it some kind of sacrifice?

Runway 33. Reagan was 33rd governor California. Gematria Effect News has a full decode of interesting numerologies.

More answers and clarity in 7 minutes than any of the major news networks have had.

As a former HMX pilot that flew the DC Helo routes often, PAT25 was coming off Route 1 and was on Route 4 at the time of the midair. Route 4 hugs the east side of the Potomac River, and the altitude on that Route is 200′ AGL and below. Aircraft landing 33 at DCA were very hard to spot at night when on Route 4 due to the cultural lighting. Bottom line, it was always the helicopters responsibility “to maintain visual separation,” which the helicopter pilot said he would do to the DCA Tower controller. Very sad day.

Retired controller here, very good early explanation and good job putting the data and voice recordings together so quickly.

It is baffling how commercial and military aircraft can share the same airspace yet not share comm frequencies.

“They have a procedure, where they can dart across the final approach to this very demanding landing on 3-3 where the crew is highly focused.” What could possibly go wrong? Glad you covered this Juan – so much better than anything else out there.

I’m watching this 6hours after the posting and you still have more accurate and complete information than any of the other broadcast news outlets reporting this morning. (6 hours later). Nice job.

It’s stunning to me that Reagan is routinely relying on “see and avoid” in order to prevent collisions with commercial aircraft on final approach. This was an accident waiting to happen.

“The weather was good at the time of the accident; the winds were gusting out of the north, 15 gust 26 knots: But, for whatever reason, the helicopter pilot did not see and avoid the CRJ, as he was directed by ATC, and as he responded to ATC that he would pass behind CRJ.” 6:20 into video

GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS showing numerology alignments with past events. Interesting. Devil plays by the numbers, apparently. Make of it what you will. Everything measures perfectly, all audio all eyewitness, everything perfect No Problem. Trump made a Very Early-on public comment about ‘may God bless the souls of those involved’ or similar. Was this a message to Trump — even the military transport copters can be put down…

Correction: JBAB (Bolling) is the pink area on your map right across the river from DCA between the river and the expressway. The helo wasn’t flying out of Bolling. He was flying a training flight out of Davis Army Air Field (Ft. Belvoir) which is south of there by a few miles. The standard route follows the eastern shore of the Potomac from above DC to stay out of the approach and departures from DCA Runway 1 (main runway). They don’t cross the river until well below the bridge. National Park Police and other helos follow a similar route. Of course, with the other runways (including 33), those approaches/departures cross the river near the airport, thus cross this flight route.

One other thing that made it difficult for the jet is that he had just completed fairly sharp left-hand turn, which would’ve made it more difficult to see the helicopter, assuming they were even looking. After that turn the pilot would be laser focused on the final approach. My best guess is that the plane was at about 250 feet of altitude when it was hit

Visual separation at low altitude at night vs a descending plane. What a great idea.

This video had more clear, concise information on what just happened than any single news station had.


Thank you for putting this out. People should really be watching this video instead of the mainstream media. Those newscasters have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about and are already spreading misinformation about what has happened. A lot of them are trying to piece together what happened based on a 20 second long video from far away and without any of the ATC audio. You’re doing great work by keeping us informed with the information that is available at this time.

The Army released a statement. “We can confirm that the aircraft involved in tonight’s incident was an *Army UH-60* helicopter out of Fort Belvoir, Virginia. We are working with local officials and will provide additional information once it becomes available.” Joint Task Force-National Capitol Region also released a statement. “We can confirm that the aircraft involved in tonight’s incident was an Army UH-60 helicopter from Bravo Company, 12th Aviation Battalion, out of Davison Army Airfield, Fort Belvoir during a training flight,” JTF-NCR media chief Heather Chairez stated.

I remember the 1982 crash. I was walking home from school and one of my neighbors opened her door and shouted to me, There’s been a plane crash!!! That was life before social media. Today she’d probably post on FB. Now I live near Reagan airport and I can watch the planes and army helicopters going up and down the Potomac. There is constant helicopter traffic and the approach to the airport is hard even in good conditions. It’s a miracle we haven’t had a crash here since 1982.

Juan, thank you for your excellent content as always. A small note on the helicopter route – living in DC we see helicopters in this area all the time, and I believe they were flying a published route (Route 1 to Route 4), which on the helo charts runs down the east bank of the Potomac River, generally east of & parallel to the final for RWY1, but indeed crossing the final for RWY33. The route is typically flown at a very low level (~300’ or below) and is common for training or VIP transport flights from downtown DC or points north, transiting to the south or vice versa. It’s also common to see it flown during active commercial operations at DCA. And I believe they typically do operate on a discrete helo frequency with DCA tower.

my mother has a friend whos son ice skates professionally, and a competition was hosted in Wichita KS, he says he knew at least 7 who where on that flight though at the time of writing names have not been publicly release, he and his community are devastated by this loss, a good majority of them would be heading to a camp meet up in the coming week, heart goes out to all those affected.

My guess the copter had the wrong aircraft in sight…

As usual there is some independent guy giving out better information than a politician or news outlet.

Juan, just a correction: the helo appears to have been coming down from CIA, at least that’s where the track you show starts. The accident occurred a few hundred yards from the DIA helo pad at Bolling, and maybe a mile down from the helo base at the north end of the base. But it doesn’t appear to me that Bolling had anything to do with this aircraft. It looks like they were flying from Langley to Fort Belvior.

Good grief. Wait until the True Mayhem begins pretty soon over next few years with the Flying Cars.

Check the FAA’s current job postings. Apparently they are now accepting applications from people who struggle with their mental health. What could possibly be wrong?

The question should be who was on that plane?

Agreed… this looks like an intentional strike. What was the job title and work being done by each individual on the plane… we don’t need names, just the job title and work being done.

Status 30 Jan 2025

Blackhawk pilot perhaps had night-vision goggles on, and he was flying too high for the zone of 200 feet max. City lights were confusing. TCAS was not functional below 1,000 feet. Helo pilot simply identified the wrong plane (the immediately trailing plane) for “visual separation” and crashed into the actual plane he was supposed to be (and mistakenly thought he was) avoiding. Simple. Clear. Totally feasible and believable.

And yet it is too interesting, the numerological alignments of gematria.

Plus these “Too smiley Zero tears” clowns are painfully obvious crisis actors exhibiting Dupers Delight.

20250204 111040

“You really couldn’t make this shit up.”

Also, this plane crash came 76-days from American Airlines being established on April 15, 1926, it was established in Fort Worth, Texas = 76, not to far from Dallas, where JFK was assassinated, you could also say it came a span of 77-days as well, and American Airlines = 77, and never forget Flight 77 hit the 77th foot tall Pentagon, 77 minutes after takeoff.

Washington Capitals=76 Donald John Trump=76 The Superior General is 76

Kansas mayor lily wu was put in last year 1/8/2024 389 days ago including the day 389 da 77th prime

Not sure if its related, but speaking of 39’s, this incident happened 309 days after the Baltimore bridge collapse last year on 3-26-2024

January 13 1982. 43 years ago plane hits 14 street bridge in DC

American Eagle hit by a Hawk(Chief/Indian) on rw 33 gtfoh

Zack I just turned on Netflix and the screen shows up coming shows/ series one is SURVIVING BLACK HAWK DOWN coming February 10. Summary: “In extraordinary detail, US soldiers and Somali fighters recall the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu and the no-famous downing of three Black Hawk helicopters.

Yes, I get to it. And the Blackhawk incidents were 93 months apart.

I just heard that back in 1961…”64″ years ago there was a plane crash that killed some US figure skaters. Reportedly “64” passengers were on this flight, including some US figure skaters, that were on this recent flight.

The crash in 1961 killed all 18 members of the US figure skating team. 61 is the 18th prime number.

US figure skaters = 64

Rome on the Potomac = 79* Society of Jesus 79 Helicopter Crash = 79 American Airlines = 79 79* days after the Superior General of the Jesuits birthday United States = 157 157 days to next Independence Day

They showed on the news a man who they said lost his wife on the plane crash, his name is “Hamaad Raza”…. plugged it into the gematria calculator, it just makes me sick, deception from every angle, lies from every corner.

When you type out ‘plane crash’ you get 43 in the reduction cipher. If you do the same with ‘potomac’ you get 29 in reduction. The last major plane crash to occur in the potomac happened exactly 43 years and 14 days ago in almost the identical spot only it hit the 14th Street Bridge. January 15, 1982 to January 29th, 2024 (14 day span) how’s that for mathematical improbability not to mention the death toll of that crash was get ready for it 78! There were “79” passengers on board so goes the story. That crash in Buiffalo was February 12th the 43rd day of the year.

Earlier in the day of the 29th, hours before the plane crash, Tonya Harding creates her first Twitter account. The crash involves multiple ice skaters. The next day, Nancy Kerrigan is seen on TV, for the first time in years, crying over the victims. Could they make their theatrics any more obvious? This plane crash is reported as being ‘the deadliest aviation disaster in the U.S. since Nov. 12, 2001, when an American Airlines flight crashed in New York and killed all 260 people on board.’ Tonya Harding’s birthday is November 12.

Also, yesterday was the first day of the Chinese New Year. Zack did a video about us entering the year of the snake. The number 8 is considered to be a lucky number for people born in that year. Remember, Kobe was known as the Black Mamba who wore the number 8 before changing to 24. The crash happened 8 days from Reagan’s birthday and when you reduce 206 you get 8. The 206 refers to the plane crash happening 206 days from Kobe’s birthday.

Trump posts “Watch the Water” a few hours on truth social right before this event.

I got something to add, in the Obama movie leave the world behind, they dropped leaflets depicting a snake, yesterday started the year of the snake, and in the movie planes fell out the sky! Coincidence I think not!

I wonder if Ridley Scott will be knocked off soon. He directed Black Hawk Down at age 64, he will turn 88 this year and the crash occurred 60 days after his birthday.

2planes in 16 years=666 2,400 feet on runway 33 at 9pm=666

Last observation, There was a History Channel youtube snippet where after talking about the knights templar, they bought up celebrities and the 27 club, and how the 27 Club relates to SATURN 27 year cycle.. relates to this whole Trumps Saturn Golden Age

Flight 90 hit 14th street bridge 1982 into Potomac 43 years ago.

The crash happened 8 days before Reagan’s birthday which is 2/6 or 26. The crash also happened 206 days from Kobe’s birthday. Reagan was the 33 Governor of California and Kobe’s name equals 33 in gematria. Kareem also has the gematria of 37 and 26 like Kobe and he wore the number 33 for the Lakers. Also there was a crash in Goleta, California where one of the victims was 33 years old. The other was 29. I said all that to say this, Kareem could possibly be next.

Figure Skaters= 159 & 60 Donald Trump= 159 & 60


There are many more observations and decodes in the video comments; surely, coinciDUNCE describes the deniers who insist there’s nothing deeper or greater involved.

Message to Trump We Can Crash Mil Copters or Sacrifice

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